Chapter Nine: Happy Endings For Now

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Gabby's P.O.V:

I looked around the room I was tied up in. It was dark, and cold. Cold even for me. I couldn't move my arms or legs, and my head felt like it had a heart beat.

"Jack. Help. Please." Warm tears streamed down my cheeks, and I could barley speak.

There was a small window near the ceiling. I saw the bright moon and cried even more.

"Manny. You knew this would happen. Why? Why me?!" I screamed as loud as I could, which was as loud as talking normally.

"Well, my sweet nightmare, because we love you." Pitch whispered in my ear.

The lights flashed on, and I saw Thomas and Isaiah on the other end of the concrete room.

"Thomas? Isaiah! Are you guys okay?!" I screeched out if my sore throat.

"Oh, Gabby. We're fine. You, on the other hand, are in BIG trouble." Isaiah snickered, Thomas looked down to the ground, casting a shadow on his face.

"What? Isaiah? What are you-" I started, but couldn't finish. All the pieces fit together. They were working with Pitch all along. "Pain." Was all I stated.

I could feel my eyes change color, I could only imagine they were red. Thomas and Isaiah fell to the ground in agonizing pain. I smirked.

"Awe. The fun's just beginning." I whispered to them, and broke the rope that was holding me.

Something came over me, and I don't know what, but, it helped me a whole lot.

Jack's P.O.V:

Pitch's hide out was easy to find. It's where he's been for thousands of years. Under a bed in the middle of the woods.

We arrived, and I heard screaming, but it wasn't Gabby's, it sounded like, Isaiah and Thomas, and Pitch was chuckling.

When Sarah realized that it was Isaiah screaming, she jumped down the dark hole, and everyone else quickly followed. As soon as we jumped in, we were in a concrete room, and we saw Isaiah and Thomas on the ground, huddled in pain.

I heard Gabby's giggle. But it wasn't her normal, cute giggle, it was an evil, sinister giggle. I looked across the room to see Gabby, her eyes burning red, and her hair turning black.

"GABBY!!! Stop!!! If you do this, you'll be as evil as Pitch, and there's no going back from that!!" I yelled to her.

"THEY'VE BEEN PLAYING US FOR FOOLS!!!!! THEY'VE BEEN WORKING FOR PITCH THE WHOLE TIME!!!!!" Gabby hissed and Isaiah screamed even louder.

"Gabby. We'll deal with them Snowflake, but we have to get you home. Where you'll be with me. Ok? I'll murder Pitch, and send Thomas and Isaiah somewhere far away. Just please. Stop." I slowly walked toward Gabby, and her eyes turned back to hit pink.

"Really?" She asked sweetly, her hair going back to pink.

"Yes my little Cupid. Come here!" I held my arms out and Gabby raced towards me in a hug.

"Gross! Well, that's not what I expected to happen at all." Pitch sneered then chuckled.

Anger. That's all I felt. I needed revenge on him. Horrible thoughts crept into my mind, but before I could do anything, Skylar beat me to it.

Skylar's P.O.V:

He kidnapped my best friend. What the hell was I supposed to do? There's an old saying, "Don't Fuck With Death". Do you know what Pitch did? He fucked with death, BIG TIME! Now, another perk of being the Grim Reaper, is that I can kill immortals if I deem then unworthy of life. So, I took it upon myself to do something.

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