Chapter Two: Anything Without You

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The sound of my loud alarm wakes me from me my peaceful slumber. I didn't get much sleep. Hero got me home at 10:30, then I had to pack my suitcase which took me another hour, and then I had to finish my application for school. My Mom told me I had to have it done before we left or else I was grounded.

Sometimes I got mad at her, but she was my Mom and I loved her more than anything in existents. Her and Jamie, Hero, Hadley and their family were all I had here in Florida. My Dad lived in Chicago, and so did my aunts and uncles lived there.

"Josephine! We have to leave in twenty-minutes." She shouts from downstairs. I roll over and groan into my heavy pillow, my eyelids feel heavy as I roll back onto my back and look up at the popcorn ceiling staring down at me.

"Mom! Give me a minute please, I need to get dressed and go to the bathroom." I croak, my voice was hoarse and heavy. I roll out of bed and let my feet hit the floor, sliding into my rabbit slippers. I grab my phone off my charging pad, but to my utter disbelief, it reads 32%. Fuck. I cross my fingers and pray that my battery charger is completely charged because if not, it's going to be a long day.

I roll out of bed and head to my closet to grab a sweatshirt, I pick the one that Hero bought for me on our School Trip to the Everglades. It had an alligator on it and the date underneath. I don't even mind changing my t-shirt. It's not like anyone will notice I wore it to bed. I push down my pajama shorts and throw them into my hamper in the corner of the room, heading over to my mahogany dresser. The pale purple walls looked white in the early morning sun, and the light walls didn't match well with my dresser. Especially since all my furniture is light wood.

I grab my leggings out of my dresser, the pull them onto my bare legs. My eyes scan the room, making sure I have everything packed away where it should be. My laptop and chargers in my backpack. My clothes and a bathroom necessities in my suitcase.

Before I go downstairs, I contemplate getting my makeup out of my suitcase and applying it quickly, but decide against it because I know that I won't need it. I need to catch up on my sleep on the flight and sleeping makes my face oily.

I grab my bag and suitcase and wheel it down the hall to the staircase. I'm careful as I slide it down the staircase in front of me, my bagged draped over my shoulder.

I see my older brother, Jamie, waiting by the door to take my suitcase out to my Mom's car.

"Any day now, Jo?" He ask jokingly and I flip him off. He rolls his eyes playfully then takes my suitcase from my hands and heads out the front door into the sun filled front yard. I close the door behind him then head to the kitchen, Mom is cleaning up the kitchen, making sure everything it put where it needs to be.

"Josephine, finally. Grab something quick for breakfast." She tells me and I nod, pulling open the door to the fridge and grabbing an apple. I didn't need much to eat for on the way there, I can get something from Cinnabon or McDonald's at the Airport.

"Are you going to call him?" She ask, looking at me questioningly. I shake my head.

"No, I'll call him when we get there. I don't know if he's up yet." I reply and Mom nods, putting away the rest of the dishes that lay in the dish rack.

I reach up to the cupboard and grab my water bottle which I usually took on my runs.

It was purple and had a clip which I used to clip it to my waistband. I turn on the skin and fill up the water bottle, the water runs fast and hard, hitting the bottom of the bottle and slowly rising to the surface. Once filled to the brim, I screw on the lid as tight as I can and head back out to the living room. I put in my password on my phone and it opens up to my instagram app. I like the first picture, Hadley taking an aesthetic selfie with flowers and the sun surrounding her. My eyes glaze over the caption:

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