Chapter Nineteen: Take Me Tonight

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I wake up to the nod of our hotel room door jiggling. Someone was trying to get in. I kick away the covers and pull on my dirty t-shirt from earlier today.

I look through the small peep hole, but to my surprise, no one was there. The hallway was empty. Slowly, I pull open the door and walk out, the carpet was squishy under my bare feet.

"Hello?" My voice comes out as a soft, shallow murmur. I don't want to wake up the neighbors.

I go back into the room and deadbolt the door. Josephine was sleeping in the corner of the room. Her hair a mess and her body sprawled out across the mattress.

I lift the covers and join her in the bed. I wrap my arms around her body and our legs tangle.

"Hero?" She ask as I slowly roll over. Shit! I woke her up. She sits up and I turn on the bed side lamp, "I don't feel safe here. Can we stay somewhere else? Please?"

I pull her onto my lap and kiss her forehead, "It's 3:00 A.M. We can leave as soon as breakfast is put out."

"But Hero-" She goes to protest, but I stop her.

"I'm here baby, I promise, I'm not going anywhere." I tell her, slowly sliding down into the bed, hugging her as I rest my head on the pillow.

She sits up, straddling my lap, her fingers slowly go down my trail and to my boxers.

"Again?" I ask playfully, she nods, kissing my chest and sucking softly on the skin. A dark red mark appears and I let her continue her pleasuring action.
We wake up a few hours later to the alarm going off. Josephine rolls over and holds her pillow over her ears. I chuckle and turn off the alarm.

"It's time to go home." I whisper as she sits up, my fingers tuck a loose strand of hair behind her hair.

"I know, but I don't know if I can just go back and pretend everything is okay." She replies, rolling onto her back and staring up at the ceiling.

"We don't have to though. We can keep looking. Alert the authorities back home. We'll do everything we can." I tell her, rubbing my hand across her stomach. She sits up and squeezes my hand.

"Not everything we can do. We could stay here, or we can go looking ourselves." She suggest, getting out of the bed and walking toward the table to check her phone.

"Josephine, the note said not to come looking. What if we get hurt?" I ask, standing up and yanking on my boxers from last night. I walk over to her, the floor was cold under my steps. I stop inches away from her and look down into her sad, yet hopeful eyes.

"We'll investigate, but nothing more. If we find her, we call the police." I cave and she smiles, wrapping her arms around me. Josephine was the best thing in my life and I can't lose her. I can't put her in the line of fire.

"So, let's go home, pack our stuff and tell your parents we're staying up here with my Dad until they find my Mom. They'll believe it, Right?" She starts, unzipping her suitcase and pulling out a pair of leggings and a baggy sweatshirt.

"Let me shower and then we can check out. But we have to go back to your Aunt's, we need somewhere to start." I tell her, grabbing jeans and a black t-shirt. I go into the bathroom and lock the door.

I push my boxers down and turn on the shower one last time. I had a slight inkling I knew who took her Mom, but I know if I tell her, it'll ruin her. I have to tell her. No. Yes, I'm telling her.

I press the white bar of soap against my skin and rub it around. My body becomes lathered in the citrus scented body wash, and I step back into the main stream coming from the shower head. I let it rinse my skin off, then I step out, wrapping a towel around my waist and grabbing my toothbrush. I brush my teeth then leave the bathroom, my clothes in my arms. Josephine is sitting on the bed, everything was packed and the bed was made.

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