Chapter Seven: Anything That Hurts

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When we arrive home from the bowling alley, I go right to my room and slam the door shut. I kick off my shoes, then my socks, leaving them by the door. I pull out my phone and fall onto my bed, lying on my stomach and letting my arms hang off the edge of my bed. I scroll through Instagram, then check my phone again, seeing if Jo has texted back yet.

I see that she has one text,

hey <3

I text back quickly, but after a few minutes pass without a reply, I throw my phone across the room, it hits the beanbag chair in the corner. I roll over and step out of bed, then walking over to the door, turning the lock.

I pull off my shirt and go over to my TV, turning on my PlayStation and grabbing the controller. The menu screen appears a few seconds later and I click the most recent game I played. It was like all the other games I've ever played. The main character is going up against some kind of organization that plans on destroying something and the main character has to stop them. It was a cliché plot for most games I played, but this one was a little better because it had zombies.

I mindlessly play the game for about an hour, forgetting every part of the real world while I was sucked in.

I turn off my PlayStation and grab my phone. 6 text from Josephine.

I miss you
Is everything okay?
Hero, answer me
You're scaring me, please answer my calls.
Had to text your sister to find out if you were fine, don't hmu for a while.

I throw my phone across the room in pure anger. What the hell?

She was so pushy. But at least she cared about me. I cared about her and she cared about me.

I text back. Sorry, I took a nap. I'm okay.

I didn't liked lying to her, but If I told her that I was busy playing video games, she would be pissed, and you don't want to be on the wrong side of Josephine. She knew your weak points and exactly where to hit them and make it hurt like hell.

I don't bother moving from my bed, I wanted her to be next to me, her hair down and her makeup off. She had the natural beauty that other girls craved. We had spent so many days after school sitting in my bed, her up against the head board, me facing her from the foot of the bed. Then, when she finished, she'd spin herself around and lay against me while I finished my work.

All the nights spent watching movies on Netflix, sleeping on the floor next to each other, or studying for our test were a thing of the past. Soon we would be torn apart, and even though I didn't want to break up with her, I knew it wouldn't work out. But I couldn't bare hurting her. It would hurt me too and I didn't want that.

"Hero! Dinner!" Mom shouts from another room, inturrupting me from my endless thoughts about long distance relationships.

I get up and grab my white shirt from the floor, pulling it over my head and unlocking my bedroom door and walking out. The hardwood floor is cold under my bare feet as I walk into the dining room. Mom and Dad were eating dinner around the table and Hadley was putting food onto her plate.

"Bro, Jo is pissed off at you." Hadley exclaims from the other side of the island. I roll my eyes and throw a grape at her. She scowls and bends down to pick it up. I watch it fly from her hand, then put my hand in the air to catch it. I throw my hand into the air and catch it, as soon as it makes contact with my palm, I tighten my grasp around it and it pop in my hand. I walk over to the trash and brush it off. I get some food from the plates, then join my family at the table, but something felt off.

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