Deleted Scene!

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I wake up to the sound of crying.

At first, I barely remember who I am or what my name is, but it all comes back to me in seconds, and with my identity, comes memories of last night.

Josephine stood in front of me. Someone else calling her name from behind me distracted her and she walked past me, heading to the source of the voice.

I sit up and look around. I wasn't in mine and Josephine's bed. I was lying on the floor, sleeping bodies scattered around the room. Some on couches, some on the floor, even one person lies on the coffee table.

What the fuck happened?

I pull myself up and look around the trashed living room. No one else was awake, well, besides whoever was crying.

"Hello?" I whisper quietly, trying not to wake anyone up.

I slowly enter the kitchen and see Hadley sitting on the floor, crying into her knees. Her dark hair is a mess atop her tanned skin, strands of her hair are sticky with god knows what. Alcohol? Maybe.

"Hey, Hadley, what's wrong?" I ask, kneeling to her level. She looks up and wipes the tears from her eyes in shock.

"You came back for me?"

I sit down, confusion floods my brain as I do.

"What do you mean?"

She tilts her head and raises her eyebrows, "I saw you and Josephine leaving last night and I tried to stop you, but you said you'd come back in a few minutes. You guys never came back for me."

That never happened. I obviously never left since I woke up on the floor in the living room. What happened last night? I remember coming to the party with Josephine, Caleb, and Hadley, then everything becomes blurry.

Caleb disappeared early on in the night. And so did Josephine.

Josephine. Left. Another Guy.

What the fuck?

I shoot up and take Hadley's hand.

I go back into the living room and scan the expanse of bodies, searching for Josephine.

Nothing, there's only three girls sleeping, one of them has pink hair in a messy bun and another has blue hair, they're on top of each other, and it's in that moment I realize that they aren't sleeping. They're on top of each other and kissing. The other girl is on top of a boy on the couch, her eyes shut and her lips slightly parted, but it wasn't Josephine. Hadley lets go of my hand and rushes to check the three bedrooms.

"Hero! She's not here." Hadley shouts a few seconds later as she rushes down the hallway, "Let's check the hotel before we call anyone."

I nod in agreement and the two of us rush out of the apartment, running down to the bottom floor. We push open the door and I walk to the curb to hail a taxi.

After a few seconds, one taxi comes to a stop and we hope in. I give him the address to the hotel and the older man puts it into the GPS.

I pull out my phone and text her:
where r u?

No response.

A few minutes go by, still no response.

The taxi stops and Hadley hands him a twenty dollar bill. We rush through the spinning doors, Hadley takes my wrist and yanks me to the elevator. We get in and the doors close, I hit the 4th floor button. As the elevator ascends, Hadley pulls out her phone and dials Josephine's number. The doors open as Hadley puts the call on speaker phone and the ringing tone echos down the long hallway. I stop her in front of mine and Josephine's room and tap the keycard on the pad. It flashes green and I enter the room.

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