Chapter 1~ One night stand

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When I woke up I was so confused. I felt really hungover and nauseous. I don't remember anything that happened last night I don't even know where I am . I turned around to see a guy I didn't even know in the bed next to me. I yelled and jumped out of bed.

"Hey babe last night was fun." he told me

"Who the hell are you?" I yelled.

"You don't remember babe? we totally had sex last night!"

"Holy crap." I said grabbing my clothes.

"Don't go babe we can spend the day together" he said grabbing my wrist.

I pulled away.

"Uhh no I have a girlfriend! I'm going back home."

"Ou ouch I never had sex with a lesbian before."

"You're such an ass!" I yelled as I ran out of the room. I put my pants and shirt on outside. We were at some trashy motel I don't even know where. How drunk did I get at that party last nigh?. I started running to the check in desk without my shoes on.

"Where am i?" I asked the old lady at the desk.

"You're at the five star motel sweetheart, you lost?"

"Yes I am can you tell me how to get back to Rosewood?" I asked nervously.

"Oh sure I can call you a cab Hun, just wait here. are you hungry?" She replied really sweetly.

"No I'm not thanks." I said sitting down on the couch."

The lady called a cab and came back with a glass of water and some Advil.

"Take these you're gonna need them, you were pretty drunk last night sweetie." She said handing the glass and the pills to me.

"Thanks" I smiled and took them.

"The cab should be here any minute now." She said with a smile.


I sat and checked my phone. I had 17 missed calls and 24 text messages they were all from the girls asking where the hell I was. I called spencer.

"Hey Emily where the hell are you?" she asked frantically.

"I'm at some motel I'm coming home." I said as the cab pulled up outside.

"Spencer I gotta go we'll talk later ok." I said and hung up.

"Thanks again for everything" I said to the old lady before I left and I got into the cab

It was a long drive back to rosewood I told the cab driver Spencer's address and he dropped me off there.

Spencer's POV

I saw a cab pull up in front if my house and then I saw Emily. I jumped off my couch and ran to open the front door.

"Where the hell have you been? you scared the crap out of all of us. We had to tell you mom you were staying at my house" I yelled at her.

"Sorry I was at a motel, like I told you."

"With who?" I asked and immediately realized it could have been a girl and I smiled really big.

"Why are you smiling?" She asked me confused.

"You were with a girl weren't you?" I said jumping onto the couch next to Emily. "So who was it? I want to know everything, well not everything but you know what I mean!" I said excitedly

Emily looked down like she was guilty

"Oh god what is it?" I asked

"It wasn't a girl." She said getting up.

"Oh my god Emily who was it then?" I asked her worried.

"I have no idea I got really drunk and I don't remember anything " Emily said freaking out.

"Well it's ok as long as he used a condom" I said.

"That's the problem I don't know if he did." she said her eyes tearing up

"No Emily it's ok don't cry you're going to get through this." I said hugging her. "now let's go and tell the other girls ok?"

"Ok fine." she said as we both went to Hanna's house.

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