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Hermione's eyes fluttered open, as her head pounded in agony.
She couldn't remember anything from last night, except, that she was at a quite elegant gala dinner with her boss.
Hermione had a job at a famous, wizardry magazine company, Leviosa.inc as an editor.

'Enough about work', she thought savagely. 'Where the fuck am I?'
She attempted to lift her wrist, only for them not to move. Panic began to rise in her throat, as she furiously struggled to move her arms and legs. Eventually, she gave up, panting heavily, and began to scan her surroundings. She was in, a room?
A very big room, with dark grey walls, and mahogany door near the far corner of the room. Hermione assumed that it was a closet. There was also a big, circular window, which was covered in white curtains, letting sunlight seep through them.
Yes, she was in a room, but a room where?

"Help! Somebody help!" Hermione yelled.
"Nobody's going to help you." A familiar voice drawled, and a figure stalked towards her. The individual, ran his fingers through his platinum-blonde, his stormy grey eyes shining with malice.
"Malfoy," Hermione growled in anger. "Is this some kind of sick joke?"
Draco chuckled nastily. "No, it isn't a joke, Granger. Or should I say, Hermione?"

Hermione didn't find any bit of this joke funny. "Where am I?"
"Malfoy Manor, our home."
Our home?! Hermione furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.
"What are you talking about, Malfoy?" She asked. Draco smirked, not saying a word to the panicky and aggravated brunette.
This angered Hermione. "Let me go Malfoy! I swear, if I find a way to remove this binding curse, I'll tear every limb from your body!"
Draco raised an eyebrow, his face devoid of all emotions except humour. He eyed Hermione, like how a hungry wolf would eye its prey.
"How will possibly manage to remove my binding curse without this?" Draco lifted his hand, twirling Hermione's wand in his slender, pale fingers.
"My wand!" Hermione gasped.

Without much effort, Draco snapped the wand in half, his eyes sporting a mischievous glint.
"I think it's time I set some ground rules." He said, taking a seat on the bed, next to her. Hermione flinched as his cold fingers, grazed her cheeks.
Draco leaned in, and placed a soft kiss on her cheek, his minty breath making chills run down Hermione's spine.
"Rule number one: you do not, under any circumstances, leave Malfoy Manor."
He pulled his wand out of his pocket, and proceeded to pressing the tip on her neck.

Hermione squirmed as she felt the wand burn her skin. She was desperately fighting the urge to cry, since she didn't want to appear weak in the eyes of the man that was holding her captive. "You're very strong Hermione. But don't worry...I'm going to break you. I'll break you in more ways than one." Draco's venomous words made Hermione's body go numb with fear.

"Rule Number two," He continued. "You will, respect and submit to me. Any disrespect will result in severe punishment."
"And rule number three: you will ask for my permission before proceeding with anything."

Draco's rules were very brief and easy to follow, for anyone except Hermione, who used to be friends with troublemakers and a duo of rule breakers.
It would be hard to make her obey Draco, since she most probably is the most hard headed female in the universe.
The binding curse was lifted at exactly six o'clock, when the sun was just beginning to set. Draco had left her in the room alone, which he had locked with a very powerful locking charm. Unfortunately, Hermione wasn't skilled at wandless magic, so she couldn't unlock the door and escape.

Suddenly the door opened, and an elderly woman walked in, carrying a dress. Hermione assumed that the lady was a maid.
"I'm s-sorry to disrupt you, Mistress, but Master Malfoy a-asked me to deliver this dress to you. He expects you to be at the dining room by seven thirty." She said, no squeaked nervously, before setting the dress on the bed, bowing and leaving the room, locking the door behind her.

Hermione quickly glanced at the dress the maid had set on the bed. The dress was a red, sleeveless, sweetheart chiffon dress, with a glittery, diamond belt. The dress was accompanied by matching red sandals, and a diamanté choker and earrings. There was also a note attached to the dress.

Wear this. I'll send one of the maids up to do your hair and makeup. As soon as you're sorted, meet me in the dining room. The maids will direct you there.

The note was written in Draco's elegant, cursive writing. Hermione sighed, rubbing her temples.
'Let me get ready before the Ferret goes berserk.'
She stripped off of her dress from the gala, feeling uneasy about undressing in Malfoy's house. She quickly dressed into the dress, and slipped her feet into the sandals, as she put on the earrings and choker. Almost on queue, another housemaid walked into the room, but this time she was younger and looked more cheery. 'Why would you be so cheery about working here?'
"Good evening Mistress, my name's Lola and I'll be doing your hair and makeup." The young housemaid, Lola said, bowing.
"There's no need to call me Mistress or bow to me. I'm just plain old Hermione." Hermione said modestly. Lola shook her head. "Master Malfoy requested that I call you that and treat you with utmost respect."

Hermione chuckled. "Okay Lola, I'll let you call me mistress, but I won't let you bow to me. I'm not a queen."
Lola shrugged and got started on Hermione's frizzy mane of hair, styling it.
After what felt like hours to Hermione, Lola finished off and stepped back, to admire her handy work. "Mistress you look lovely!" Lola gushed. She handed Hermione a mirror, smiling sweetly. Hermione looked at her reflection, unable to recognise herself. Her lips were ruby red, just like her dress, and her eyelids were a smoky colour, which emphasised her hazel eyes. Her frizzy chestnut hair was put up in a messy bun, and decorated with a single red rose. "Wow." Hermione whispered absentmindedly.

"Are you ready to meet Master Malfoy?" Lola asked, snapping her out of her daze.
Her stomach leaped at the mention of Malfoy. "Oh. Him." She said, looking down at her crimson fingernails.
"Come on mistress." Sighing, Hermione got off the bed, and walked hand in hand with Lola to the dining room, ready to face the horrible man that awaited her.

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