|Thirty Nine|

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"Well, well, well. Look what we have here." The same Death Eater they heard days ago, chuckled.
He smirked at Ron, who grimaced as a beefy, huge Death Eater held both his arms behind his back. "A blood traitor,"
He eyed Luna hungrily, who was also being held by an equally big Death Eater. "A pureblood, and," He stared at Harry, his eyes mainly focusing on the lightning scar on his forehead. "The Boy Who Lived."
Harry growled in anger, trying to fight off the Death Eater who had a firm grip on him.

The other Death Eater stood behind, her arms crossed and a smirk playing on her lips. Half of her face was shielded by her wild jet black locks.
"This one's a beauty, innit she?" The male Death Eater said, stroking her cheek with his dirty index finger.
"Don't get too attached, Greene." The woman said. The Death Eater, Greene chuckled. "Don't worry, I won't, Vanna."
Luna frowned, trying not to inhale Greene's scent. He smelt like gore, and alcohol.

"Aww, Don't be sad, pretty girl. I can turn that frown upside down." He said, grabbing her chin. "Want me to show you a good time?"
At that, Ron exploded. "I WILL TEAR EVERY LIMB OFF YOUR BODY IF YOU SO MUCH AS BREATHE NEXT TO HER!" He yelled, fighting tooth and nail to get his captor to loosen his grip on him.
Vanna giggled. "Aw look Greene, the little baby's throwing a tantrum. How sad." She said nastily. "Bitch!" Ron spat in anger, causing the smile on Vanna's face to disappear and be replaced by a nasty look of anger. With a lot of force, she smacked Ron across the face, her sharp nail cutting his cheek. "Ron!" Luna cried.

"Listen here boy." She hissed, her face inches from his. "You better behave because you are at my disposal. The Dark Lord doesn't care about scum like you and your girlfriend. All he wants is Potter. Do you understand or should I knock more sense into you?"
Ron mumbled something along the lines of 'when I get out of here I'll kill you', which Vanna acted mute to.
"Good." Vanna purred, running her tongue over the cut on Ron's face. Ron shuddered in disgust.

"Your boyfriend is funny, Love." Greene said to Luna, whose eyes where becoming glassy.
"Okay, enough shenanigans. Let's get this lot to Malfoy Manor. The sooner the better." Vanna said, clapping her hands together.
With that, they disapparated from the spot that was previously inhabited by Luna, Ron and Harry.
Hermione sobbed into Draco's chest, soaking his shirt.
"I'm an idiot, I'm an idiot for hurting you. I don't deserve to have someone as special as you." He mumbled into her hair, his nose taking in her scent. She smelt of strawberries and cream.
"I love you. I love you. I love you Hermione." Draco cupped her face, placing soft kisses on her split lip. "And I hate myself for doing this to you. I shouldn't have hurt you."
Draco's stormy grey orbs were glistening with tears that were threatening to spill.

He used his thumb to stroke her bruised cheek. Handprints were still visible on her neck, and underneath that white blouse, that black cardigan and that pair of jeans were marks and bruises that will probably take ages to heal.
There was a sudden urgent knock on the door.

"In!" Draco yelled, hastily wiping away any sign of tears being shed. A Death Eater walked in, a wand in one hand. "My Lord, we've found them."
Draco narrowed his eyes at the Death Eater. "Found who?"
"The Undesirables, Potter and Two of his friends."

Hermione's heart sank to her stomach. "W-what?"
Draco grabbed his wand off his table, a look of determination on his face.
"Draco? Where are you going?" Hermione asked stupidly, despite the answer being so clear.

When she didn't get a response, she grabbed his wrist in an attempt to stop him. "Draco don't." She whimpered. Draco turned to her, before placing a soft kiss on her lips.
The kiss symbolised longing, sadness and a strong feeling that that was going to be the last kiss they'll ever share. It made Hermione's eyes water.

Draco pulled away, before walking out of the room and throwing one final glance at his love, he left to go face fate.

'Forgive me' He thought.

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