|Forty Two|

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Hermione awoke to the sound of hushed voices discussing something somewhat secretive.
"She's awake!" She heard Harry say.
Hermione sat up, clutching her head. She was suffering from the mother of all headaches.
All she wanted was to see Draco. Where was he?

"Are you okay?" Harry asked worriedly. "I'm fine." Hermione replied. "Although I'd be better if I saw Draco. Where is he?"
Everyone exchanged worried looks.

"So you don't remember?" Luna said.
Hermione's looked at her with a look of puzzlement. "Remember what?"

Ginny stood up. "Everyone leave." She said firmly. As soon as the last person, Bill, left, she pulled Hermione in for a hug.
"I'm so sorry Hermione." Ginny said in a sort of choked up voice. Hermione chuckled nervously. "Er, about."

Ginny broke the hug. "Hermione, Draco is..."
Dead. The word that left Ginny's mouth. It was so unbelievable that Hermione wanted to laugh.
But when she caught a glimpse of Ginny's grim expression, Hermione started to have her doubts.
'It can't be a joke. Maybe it's a misunderstanding.' She thought.

It wasn't a misunderstanding either. As Ginny started to explain, memories of the night it happened filled her head. His lifeless stormy grey orbs that once lightened whenever they caught sight of Hermione, or became dark with anger whenever he didn't like something she did . His cold hands, that once caressed her with utmost care, or inflicted horrible pain unto her body. His cold, blue lips, that were once warm against hers, that once sang praises about her beauty or called her the beastliest names in history.

He was taken away from her, not even without a second thought.

"Take me to his study." She asked. "Herm-"
"Take me NOW!"

And so she did. She reluctantly took Hermione to the study previously owned by Draco.
As soon as she stepped in, her nose took in the scent of firewood and cinnamon. She took a heavy breath. "Can you leave me alone please?" Hermione asked quietly.

Ginny left without a word, leaving Hermione alone in the spacious study.
Hermione pulled opened one of the drawers, and took out the two sheets of parchment in there.

She then made her next stop at Storm and Crystal's nursery. Both the children were fast asleep, oblivious to what unspeakable sin her mother was about to commit.
"I'm so sorry. Mommy's so sorry." Hermione whispered, stroking Storm's soft chubby face. Hermione placed a small kiss on his lips.

"Crystal, baby, forgive me." Tears began to stream down her face as Crystal clung to her mother's index finger with her little hand. She looked so precious, so innocent.
She also placed a small kiss on her lips.
"I love you guys so much, never forget that." Hermione wished that they could reply, that they could say 'we love you too mommy!' , but they were far too young to form those words.
Hermione locked the door of Draco's study. It would be bad if someone had to barge in there, when her plan was taking action.
Hermione picked a dagger off of his desk, her eyes scanning the blade. Despite the lack of illumination in the room, it still shone brightly. Hermione concluded that it was goblin made.

She ran the blade over her thumb, which left a quite long cut.
She took a deep breath and plunged the dagger into her chest, in the spot where her heart would lie.

She fell to the ground, her eyes scanning the room one last time. She could feel herself slowly fade, like the flowers in winter, as blood left her body in tremendous amounts.

It was over, she was going to have that tête-à-tête with God that she's always wanted.

Her final wish was for her kids to find happiness without their mommy.

She smiled, as the darkness took over.
"Please be okay, please be okay." George chanted over and over again like a personal mantra. Hermione couldn't die, she just couldn't...
"I'm sure she'll be okay." Harry said with false optimism. "Maybe-"
"Maybe what?" George asked, his voice rising a little. "Didn't you see how much blood she lost? How deep that dagger was lodged in her chest? For all we know, it could've pierced her heart!"

Ginny was clutching the pages of parchment she had gotten from Hermione, her face pale and tear streaked. She wanted to read them, but she was scared of what she would find. A suicide letter, maybe? Maybe, maybe not? Hopefully it was the latter.

An elderly healer approached them, her expression grim. George put his head in his hands. "No..." He groaned.
"I'm sorry but she didn't make it. We tried using blood restorative spells and potions but it wasn't enough to replace the blood she lost." She said in false remorse.
"T-thank you." Ron mumbled.

It was too much for George to handle. He stood up from the uncomfortable plastic chair, and began walking away from everyone else. The smell of potions and ointments was burning his nose and clouding his mind. He couldn't think straight.

Gathering all of her courage, ginny began to read the first letter.

My dearest friends,

If you're reading this, I'm probably not around and will not be around for a very, very long time.
I don't know how I should apologise to you, so it's better that I don't. What will an apology do to mend your broken hearts and get rid of the heartache I've caused you? Even without an apology, I still ask that you forgive me.
I would like to ask for one final favour. There are two more letters accompanying this one. Please don't read them. The day my children come of age, I'd like you to give it to them. I hope my children find happiness without me.

I hope you guys live happily,

Hermione G. Malfoy.
Author's note

And that's it! That's the end of 'You're Mine'. After this chapter they'll be an epilogue.
Ah this story has been a journey of heartbreak, angst and darkness, and unfortunately all journeys have to end...
Like I said I will be releasing a sequel to this story, which revolves around the lives of Hermione's children Storm and Crystal.
Guys don't forget to vote and comment!
Love you guys

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