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Christmas came, much to Draco's displeasure. He was reminded of that the moment he drew the curtains and peered outside, only to see white.

"Its fucking Christmas." Draco groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. He heard a mumble of 'good morning' from his bed and before he panicked he remembered  that Hermione had spent the night in his room.

They didn't do much, except shagging each other senseless. Draco smirked at the memory. "I believe you know what day it is, Mione?"
"Hmm." Hermione hummed tiredly, not even opening her eyes.
"Merry Christmas."
Hermione didn't reply. Instead she hummed tiredly and went back to snoozing peacefully. Draco stood, looking at the falling snow in distaste, for what felt like hours.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" Draco heard Hermione murmur from behind as she wrapped two thin arms around his waist. Draco merely snorted. "I think not."
There was a brief moment of silence, before, Hermione spoke up. "Thanks for last night." She said, beaming.
"My pleasure." He muttered. Draco turned to face his female companion, seriousness written all over his face.
Hermione's smile disappeared into a look of worry. "Draco?"
"What?" He snapped.
Hermione's look of worry morphed into sadness. "I-I just... sorry."
"If you're going to ask me unnecessary questions, then just shut up." He spat.
Hermione sniffed, removed her arms from Draco's stiff body and walked out of his room, throwing him one final glance before she left.

Draco released a breath he didn't know he was holding when she left. He knew if Hermione pressurised him, he would end up spilling the beans about his dislike for the season of festivities. After much thinking and self debating, he went out of his room to look for his lover.
He eventually found her in her room, by the balcony that overlooked the huge quidditch pitch, sipping on her cup of coffee, staring at the falling snowflakes.
"You've come to apologise, haven't you?"
Draco coughed. "Yes."
"It's fine I forgive you." Hermione said in a much higher voice. The tea in Hermione's hand was gradually becoming cold.
"Don't be sarcastic with me." He snapped.

"Please excuse me, but the only thing that can leave my mouth at this moment is sarcasm and irony."
"Can you at least look at me while you're talking?" There's nothing Draco despised more than disrespect.
Hermione turned to face him, tears pooling in her eyes. "There, Happy now?"
Draco grunted in anger and utter frustration. "No. Why the hell are you even crying?"

No reply.

"You're pissing me off." He said, clenching his fist. She looked down at his clenched fist, then at his facial expression, before releasing a shudder of fear. "Are you going to hit me?" She said, shakily. "It won't be the first time."
Guilt overpowered the burning anger in Draco. Slowly, he unclenched his fist, looking away from him. He was ashamed of the fact that he considered physically hurting her.

"It's my fault... I'm not good enough for you."
"Don't say that."
"It's the truth." She muttered wiping her eyes with the sleeve of her dressing gown.
Draco silently looked at the woman before her, who was trying her level best to hide her sadness. There was a long, awkward and loud moment silence before it was broken by Hermione.
"I suppose I should tell you know, seeing as it's Christmas."
Draco furrowed his eyes in confusion. "What are you on-"
"I can't just hide it from you, you'll find out eventually-"
"Hermione, tell me now." Hermione stared him with a mixture of fear and a hint of glee. "I-I—oh gosh this is so hard—I-"
"Come on."
"Just wait here." She huffed, before dashing into her room and rummaging in her bedside drawers for several minutes. Draco heard her give a whoop of joy as she found what she was looking for.

"Here," She said, thrusting a object into his hands. "Look at it."
Draco was looking at it, alright, but he was looking at it in confusion.
"What the hell is this?" He questioned, eyes still on the more or less flat, long, pink and white object.
Hermione bit her lip nervously. "A pregnancy test." She said quietly.
"Why the hell are you giving me a pregnancy test?"
Hermione held back a snort of laughter. "Oh Draco, I'm pregnant."
"Haha, very funny."
"No I'm serious. I'm. Pregnant."
Draco looked mortified. "You're pregnant?" He said slowly. Hermione nodded. "I found out yesterday."

Reality hit him like a ton of bricks. "Oh Gods." He mumbled. The grin on Hermione's face was wiped off. "Aren't you happy?"
Draco wasn't just happy...

He was over the moon! He just didn't know how to express such joy.
"No, no, Mione. I am happy. Seriously."
He said, cupping her face with his cold hands. "You don't look happy." She mumbled. "But I am! Look..." He then grinned at her. Hermione chuckled. "Stop grinning, you look like you're in pain."

For once, Christmas made Draco happy.

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