|Thirty One|

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This chapter will contain slight smut. You can skip if you want.
A deep grunt followed by a low moan echoed through the bathroom, at approximately one in the morning.
Hermione's laid her wet head on George's bare chest, panting heavily. A mixture of pain and pleasure course through her body.
She could feel him inside her, pulsating.

She whimpered as he bucked his hips.
George chuckled. She looked absolutely pathetic. "Come on, you came twice now. I haven't even came yet."
Hermione glared at him. "Fuck you." She spat shakily.
"Isn't that what you're doing now?" He asked, bucking his hips again. She sank her nails into his shoulders.

She felt herself clench around him, as he continuously jerked his hips up.
She was getting closer and closer...

She orgasmed for the third time, along with him.
George threw his head back against the ceramic bathtub, his fingers digging into her waist. "Holy fuck." He grunted, his fingers knitted into his wet auburn locks.
"You're so vulgar." Hermione moaned, her chest rising and falling as she panted heavily.

George smirked. "I know love."
Hermione suddenly felt self conscious. She nibbled on her bottom lip nervously, using her free hand to cover her bare breast.
George noticed the sudden timidity in her eyes.
"You don't have to hide that from me."
"I just can't help it."
"I love you. I really do." George said, taking her chin with his hand.
"I'm sorry George." Hermione whispered sincerely. He sighed in disappointment. "It's fine. I know you can't love me as much as you love him."
His words caused Hermione's stomach to drop in guilt. George was right.
She could never love anyone as much as she loved Draco.

"Can you at least try to love me?" George asked, leaning forward. His lips brushed against her bottom lip, causing a shudder to leave her mouth. His hand rubbed circles on the small of her back as he jerked his hips forward again.
The pleasure was too much for her. A loud scream erupted from her lips as she arched her back in pleasure.

"S-stop it." She moaned.
"Hold on love, I'm close." A few more thrusts and he finished inside her, his breathing fast.
Hermione collapsed against his chest, all her energy completely gone.

Hermione got off him, her legs slightly failing her, before getting out of the bathtub.
She wiped herself off, before wrapping a towel around her bare body.
She sighed when she felt George's hot tobacco and breath mint scented breath against her neck.
He softly nibbled on her earlobe, earning a whimper from her.

"Round two?" He questioned, a sly smirk on his lips.
"I'm still sore." Hermione chuckled. "But don't get cocky because of that comment."
George chuckled, backing away from her. "I'll try not to, love."

The hardest part of their little 'escapade', was trying to sneak out of the bathroom unnoticed. Sure, it was technically one a.m., which is normally the time people are fast asleep but knowing what kind of people live here in shell cottage made both George and Hermione careful not to be caught.

They eventually made it safely to George's room, much to their relief.
Hermione hastily began changing back into her discarded clothing, when a tapping sound on the window interrupted her.
George and Hermione stared at each other with confusion written on both their faces.

Sighing heavily, George walked over to the window as he pulled his pyjama bottoms back on. He opened the window, the cool night breeze blowing into his hair before an unidentified creature zoomed passed his head. He jumped back in surprise.

The creature, instead of attacking like he expected it to, landed on Hermione's shoulder, hooting in a wholehearted fashion. There was a message tied to its feet.
"Uhm Hermione... do you know anyone that owns an eagle owl?" George questioned, as the bird began to peck on Hermione's ear affectionately. "It seems like this one's fond of you."
Eagle owl?!

Hermione felt her insides churn. The owl flew in front of her, the white envelope hanging from its feet. Hermione backed away from it.
George studied her facial expression. If it wasn't for the colour of the envelope, he would have thought that someone sent her a howler.
The owl hooted, as if saying 'go on, take it!'.

Gathering enough courage, Hermione untied the letter and watched as the owl flew out the window and away from her.
Hermione opened the letter with a shaky hand, and began to read its contents.

My dearest Hermione,

My love, my sweetheart, my angel. It's been a while hasn't it, love? Almost a week, a man shouldn't be separated from his wife for that long!

Anyway, I'm sure you know why I'm writing this. How do I say this lightly?
GET YOUR ARSE HERE! Or there'll be consequences I'm sure you don't want to face.

Maybe if you come back here with my kids, I might not punish you. I'd hate to drag you out of that Weasel dump by your hair.

You've got 48 hours to come back otherwise, I'm coming for you.

I love you very much baby,

Hermione felt hot tears flow down her face,  as she reread the letter. George snatched the letter out of her hand, before skimming through it quickly. His face contorted into a look of fury.
"Malfoy?! Tell me this isn't a sick joke."
Hermione shook her head, her tears falling like waterfalls.

"Unbelievable," George said angrily. "So Malfoy is the bastard that puts his hands on you?"
"He's changed." Hermione choked out.
"Changed? Changed?! He bloody beats you!"
"It's my fault Draco hits me. I provoke him." Hermione said. She'd do whatever it takes to defend Draco. "Besides, he always apologises."

George scoffed. "If you haven't noticed, I'm sorry doesn't necessarily heal wounds does it? Answer this question for me Hermione. How often does Ferret Face beat you? Once a week? Twice a week? Or maybe every single day of the fucking week?"
Hermione diverted her eyes away from his burning gaze. "I... I don't want to answer that." Hermione whispered.
"Of course you don't." George snapped.

Hermione's intestines felt as though they were twisted into knots. Biting her lip, Hermione paced the room.
His words echoed in her head, like a catchy song.

You've got 48 hours to come back otherwise, I'm coming for you.

The note laid crumpled on the floor, in a ball. "So all those months we've been searching for you, you've been in that slimy git's manor, letting him use you as a fucking punching bag?" George said with disgust in his tone.

"He kidnapped me, George! He coaxed me into loving him, until it eventually worked!" Hermione yelled in George's face. "Everyday he'd praise me, he'd compliment me, he'd spoil me. He treated me like his queen! All those compliments, all those gifts, all those those praises made me look past the fact that he kidnapped me, that he forced himself on me, and probably will do it again, that he hits me! I love him and there's nothing either of us can do about it!" Her voice broke towards the end of her little speech.

"Fine then, if you want to continue being Malfoy's bitch, go ahead!" George barked, his face a similar colour to his hair.
Hermione gasped, and before she stopped herself, she slapped George hard, across the face.
"You're such a dick!" She spat, storming out of his room. George stood, rooted to the spot.

"I don't care. Go." He whispered, as she slammed the door behind her.

Who was he kidding?
He cared a lot, actually.

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