|Twenty Nine|

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Hermione felt extremely horrible the next day. A mixture of self disgust and guilt settled into her stomach.
'I slept with him, I actually did it.'
'Oh Merlin I'm a horrible person. I had sex with someone else other than Draco.'
Who was she kidding? She could never fall out of love with him no matter how many people she slept with.

"Morning." George croaked groggily, sitting up. Hermione laid back on the warm cologne and firewhiskey scented bed, because she thought that she'd vomit if she sat up any longer.
"Last night..." She trailed off.
"Was spectacular." He finished. He turned to her. Hermione immediately plastered a fake smile.

Hermione slid out of the sheets and hastily began to get dressed. "Why're you in such a rush?" George asked, getting up as well.
"I-I'm just going down to get something to eat." Hermione lied.

"Is there something you're not telling me?" Hermione ignored him and ran her fingers through her hair in an attempt to fix her bird's nest of hair and to hide all traces of sexual intercourse.
"Hermione speak to me. What's wrong?"
Hermione stopped in her tracks. "What's wrong? Everything is wrong." She turned to face George. "Last night..."
"You should've told me that you don't want to do it. I would've backed off." George huffed.
Hermione sighed. "It's just that... I don't know how to say no."

"But did you like that we fucked? Did you enjoy it? Are you even attracted to me?" George questioned cautiously.
Hermione gulped. "I... I don't know how to answer this."
"Just try." George urged.
"Merlin yes, I k-kinda did like the fact that we... Gods... that we fucked, yes I did enjoy it even though everything that happened is still kind of hazy to me and I don't know if I am attracted to you. Let me admit that I am attracted to you sexually."
After her big reveal, Hermione turned to leave, only to stop abruptly to the sound of George swearing loudly.

"What the fuck happened to your back?"
Hermione's heart stopped entirely.
"M-my back?" She asked, turning to George. "Yes, your back. Explain. Now."

Hermione was unaware of her shaking hand. "I-I fell."
George frowned. "You're lying."
"I'm serious, I fell down the stairs."
"I've fallen down the stairs multiple times and never once have I gotten a bruise that bad. Why don't you cut the crap and tell me the truth. Who did this?"

Hermione sighed in defeat. "Promise to stay calm?" George crossed his arm. "I can't promise you that."
Hermione coughed. "You know how I've been missing for almost two years? Well I wasn't exactly missing." Hermione said.
"I kind of eloped with someone." Hermione lied. George raised an eyebrow. "Eloped?"

Hermione nodded. "We lived together, and he treated me like a queen most of the time. But there were times where he'd be in a horribly bad mood, because of me-"
"Stop beating around the bush." George snapped.
Hermione took a sharp intake of breath. "My partner... my husband-" "You're married?!" George interrupted.

Hermione glared at him. "Yes. My partner, he... he hits me."
George couldn't believe it. "What?"
"George he'd hit me almost every day, he'd belittle me and once he... he..." Hermione failed to release the words.
"He raped me."

"Is that why you're here? Are you hiding from him?" George asked.
Hermione wiped away a stray tear.
"Are there more bruises?" George asked again. "Most of them have healed." She answered.
Hermione could clearly see that George was seething. "That son of a bitch! if I get my hands on him..."
"George don't. He didn't mean it. Most of the time he'd apologise." Hermione thought of the days Draco would make her feel special and spoil her, just after he had beaten her to the point where she could barely walk.

"I don't get why you're defending that bastard." George yelled in anger. "Because I love him George!" Hermione exclaimed.
"That doesn't justify the fact that he hits you!" George growled angrily.

Hermione was close to tears. "George drop it, okay?" She said, her voice thick with tears. George sighed in defeat.
"Fine I'll drop it... for now." George muttered.
Hermione hummed to herself as she held little Crystal on her hip, in an attempt to calm her crying. So far her attempts remained futile. She had only managed to calm her for merely five minutes, staring blankly at her mother before her face twisted into a look of pure agony and she burst into pitiful wails.
This didn't improve Hermione's mood one bit. With every wail, Hermione felt herself reaching the brink of insanity.

At that exact moment, Fleur walked in, also carrying Victoire, who was approximately a year old, on her hip.
"Can I get a little help please?" Hermione pleaded, as Crystal continuously wailed.
Fleur sighed, before putting Victoire in the high chair by the table, smiling sadly at Hermione. "Give 'er 'ere."

Hermione passed Crystal to Fleur, the frustration bringing her close to tears.

Hermione watched, fascination written all over her face as she cradled little Crystal, singing her something in french.
The crying immediately subsided.
"How do you do it, Fleur?" Hermione asked weakly as Crystal yawned.
Fleur discreetly asked Hermione to pass her Crystal's pacifier, which Hermione did.

"Iz a skill." Fleur stated casually, giving the sleeping Crystal back to her mother.
As soon as she was in Hermione's arms, she snuggled her tiny head against her breast. Hermione would be forever grateful to Fleur.

Fleur picked up Victoire and walked towards the back door. "Where are you going?" Hermione asked curiously.
"Oh, I take Victoire for a walk in ze park on days like zese." Fleur said.
"Au revoir!" And with that, she was gone.

Hermione huffed, and walked back upstairs to the room where Storm and Crystal had to sleep. She placed her next to her sleeping brother, and tiptoed away, being as quiet as possible since they were both light sleepers. Practically even the tiniest squeak could awake them.

Hermione picked a book from the neatly packed bookshelf she had seen the living room and plopped herself down on one of an old armchair in the living room.
The house oddly quiet today. Not a single sound could be heard, which is very rare in a house owned by a member of the Weasley family.

She was deeply engrossed in the world of Science fiction (she didn't think they'd have a book of that genre there), when she felt a hot breath on her neck.
Hermione jumped, causing the book to fall out of her hands.

"Sorry." George chuckled.
"What do you want?" Hermione asked through gritted teeth.
"A bit of your time." He said, biting his lip.
That gesture caused Hermione's heart to do a little back flip.
"Not now." She grunted. George sighed. "There's no one in the house. It's just you and me."

Hermione shuddered. Imagine the outcome of them being alone under one roof. Surprisingly, the thought kind of sexually excited her. "Really?" She asked.
George raised an eyebrow. "Look whose enthusiastic."
Hermione turned beet red. "Shut up! It's not like I want to do anything with you." That was a lie.

'Shit, he knows.'
His face was inches away from her. Hermione's eyes focused on his blue orbs. They still had that mischievous glint. The kind makes girls go weak in the knees.
'Don't fall for his charm, don't fall his charm, don't-'

She found herself nude, in his bed, her body still getting over the after effects of an extreme orgasm.
This time she felt less guilty.
'If this is how I'll forget Draco, so be it.'

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