|Twenty Seven|

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"R-Ron? Is that you?" Hermione stammered, her face pale, and her eyes wide.
'This has to be a dream.' Yes, it's probably a dream. Maybe the past few days were also part of this dream. It all seemed too crazy to be reality. She'd wake up any moment, in Malfoy Manor, in Draco's arms...

Hermione pinched herself to make sure. She was definitely awake and Ronald Bilius Weasley was definitely standing in front of her.

A long and very loud period of silence took over before being broken by the red headed wizard. "Blimey... Mione it's been so long, hasn't it?" Ron said, almost like she left for a personal vacation rather than disappeared off the face of the Earth.

Suddenly, Ron wrapped his arms around her, pulling her in for a rib-crushing eyes.
"I thought you died, Mione." His voice seemed thick with the tears he refused to release because in typical Ron fashion, his pride and masculinity wouldn't let him.

"We thought there was no hope... we thought..." Ron trailed off. Only their synchronised breathing could be heard. The door of the bedroom swung open and three figures walked in. Ron broke the hug.

"Merlin... Hermione is that you?" Ginerva Weasley gasped, her eyes glazed with tears of happiness. Harry stood beside her, with his arm in a sling. Fleur Delacour neé Weasley stood next to Harry, a look identical to Ginny's on her face.

Hermione felt awfully shy, due to the attention she was earning. Her disappearance must have made an impact on their lives. "Wait till Mum hears about this." Ginny said excitedly, already reaching for some parchment that laid unused on one of the shelves.

"I'd refrain from telling old Mumsie if I were you... last thing we need is her flooding the house with her tears of joy. You remember what happened when you told her about your engagement to Harry-" Ron was cut off by a totally baffled Hermione.

"You're getting married?! How? When?" Hermione yelled in shock. Harry smiled giddily, scratching his head. "It's a long story."
"We have time." Hermione replied, crossing her arms. Harry flashed Ginny a 'Save-Me!' look.

"Oh Hermione, doll, I'll tell you later, right now we need-" "Am I interrupting something?" A voice interrupted Ginny, who huffed in aggravation. George Weasley walked in, holding Storm in his arms.

Hermione didn't immediately recognise him, due to the fact that he looked totally different than the last time she saw him, although he still had that impish grin he always had back at Hogwarts. Now that she thought about it, everyone did change a little.
Like Ginny, for instance. Her once lower back length hair was reduced to a a neck length bob.

Harry's hair, if possible, looks even messier than usual.

Ron's hair was almost as long as Bill's. He also had an ear piercing on each ear.

But George... George changed the most. Tattoos, all varying in size, colour and design, were permanently inked onto his arms, from his shoulder down to his wrist.

"Oh hey Hermione." George greeted, before his eyes widened in sudden shock.

"HERMIONE?! Is that really you?" George said, nearly dropping Storm.
"Who did you think it was, dumbass?"
Hermione shook her head; Ron and his vulgar mouth will never change. "Ron... zere's a child 'ere!" Fleur hissed at him.
"Sorry Mione." Ron apologised.

"Mon Dieu, Ron." Fleur muttered in French, as she face palmed in utter frustration.
Ginny tapped her foot impatiently. "Now shall I tell Mum or not?"
True to Ron's words, Molly Weasley had burst into tears the moment she got a glimpse of Hermione's frizzy mop of hair. Then, in normal Molly Weasley fashion, she cooked up a storm.

All the Weasleys were present for this mini feast Mrs Weasley had put together solely for the purpose of celebrating the return of Hermione. Well, not all the Weasleys.

There was one particular Weasley that was missing in the family, like that one puzzle piece needed to complete the puzzle.

Hermione tried not think about it, as she sipped on her lemonade. On her right sat Ron, who was wolfing down his food.
Well that's Ron for you. Swearing like a sailor and eating like a pig.

On her left sat George, but he wasn't eating much. In fact, he was pushing the food on his plate around, a bored look on his face. Hermione took this as a opportunity to scrutinise his tattoos properly.

Hermione's eyes scanned over each inking, the design and colour of each tattoo interesting her.

"I'd appreciate it if you stop staring." George said, snapping Hermione out of her daze. He smirked as Hermione turned away, clearly embarrassed. He took a sip of his water. "Or you could... keep staring, if you want."

Was it Hermione or was George Weasley becoming a flirt?

'He's always been a flirt.' Hermione thought, popping a forkful of apple pie into her mouth. Hermione couldn't help but throw a side glance at his tattoos, which, to her embarrassment, he noticed.
"Am I really that irresistible that you have to stare at me the whole time?"
Hermione choked on her pie. "Don't flatter yourself." She hissed.

Hermione went back to eating her pie, this time diverting her gaze to the floral print table cloth. To her surprise, she felt a hand, a masculine hand, slithering over her hand.
She side glanced at George, and sure enough, George was looking back at her, a crooked smile on his face. George squeezed her hand affectionately, causing Hermione's heart, for some reason, to skip a beat.

Hermione felt a blush creep onto her face. She turned back to her plate, and busied her eyes with the food on her plate.
Author's note
Hey it's me again
I know, I know, these a.n's are getting annoying.😓

They'll be roughly around 2-3 chapters that'll contain slight GeorgexHermione... please bear with me. Thus is all part of the storyline

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Thanks in advance

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