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"Potter." Draco sneered. Harry was tied up, and sitting up in the middle of the large drawing room. Harry threw a dirty look at Draco, his childhood rival and nemesis.

Harry was praying that Ron and Luna somehow found away to escape the Death Eaters. They have to in order to save Hermione and defeat Draco.
"Things don't have to be like this, Malfoy. Why don't you just surrender? I know you're a good person at heart." Harry said.
Draco scoffed. "Nice try Potter. Dumbledore used that very same trick on me seven years ago when Professor Snape killed him. I'm not proud to say that it worked. Because of that, Snape stole my moment to shine."

"Just drop the wand and surrender. If you're as evil as you pretend to be, then Hermione wouldn't have fallen in love with you."
Draco stiffened. "What?"
Harry mentally smirked. He must have hit a nerve. "You heard me."

Draco made a gesture to someone behind him and soon, he felt a searing pain in his side. He was just kicked. "How dare you speak to the Dark Lord like that!" Vanna yelled, kicking Harry again, admiration visible in her dark eyes.

"That's enough Vanna. I'd prefer it if I had the pleasure of ending Potter's life myself." Draco drawled, and red patches grew on each of her pale, hollow cheeks. "Forgive me." She mumbled, bowing.

Draco grunted. "Get out!"
Vanna scurried out of the room, with her head bent and a look of shame etched on her face. Draco turned to Harry, with a smug look on his face.
"Get as comfortable as you can, Potter, because I'm going to enlighten you with a long tale of my rise to power."
"Stupefy!" A Death Eater went flying and crashed into a potted plant, hitting his head against the wall. Luna smiled at Ron in appreciation, who only returned it with a quick, small, grin. Nevertheless, it still made butterflies flutter in her stomach.

Ron ducked just in time, missing a stray killing curse. Ron grabbed Luna's hand, before shooting another hex at another Death Eater. He dragged her into a room which he assumed wasn't in use. After locking the door with a complicating incantation, he turned to Luna.
"At least we're safe." She sighed, squeezing her hand gently.

"Not quite. We aren't safe until we've offed all these Death Eaters and Draco." Ron replied.
"Well I feel safe, because you're with me." Luna muttered. Ron's face heated up at her compliment. Luna smiled, her big, blue eyes fixed on his own sky blue orbs. Their faces were inches apart from each other's, and one tiny nudge could've brought their lips together.
They were interrupted by an oddly familiar voice.

"Luna? Ron?" Hermione gasped, her eyes rapidly producing tears. She didn't think she'd seen them alive and well. Despite the minor injuries they had, they seemed unharmed, which Hermione was happy about.
"Hermione?" Luna and Ron said simultaneously. When they thought about rescuing her, they thought they'd have to rescue her from a dungeon like room similar to the one they were locked in, where they'd find her heavily bruised and battered and starved. She seemed well taken care of, despite the dark purple hue on her cheek and the handprints on her neck.

Hermione ran towards them, wrapping her arms around her childhood friends. "I-I t-thought h-he killed y-you guys!" She sobbed into Ron's shoulder, her tears soaking his shirt. "We're fine, Hermione." Luna said, as Hermione pulled away.
"Yeah, in fact, we were looking for you, Mione." Ron said.

Hermione sniffed. "Why?" Ron and Luna threw nervous glances at each other, before Ron answered. "Hermione, can you tell me where Malfoy kept the horcrux he made?"
Hermione stiffened. Her heartbeats began to quicken.
"How do you know about that?" She whispered. "Harry just assumed Malfoy made one."

Hermione avoided eye contact with Ron. "I'm s-sorry. I d-don't know where i-it is." Hermione stammered, totally giving herself away. Hermione has and always will be rubbish at lying.

"Hermione please. Tell us where he kept it." Ron begged. Hermione's lip quivered. She couldn't tell them where he  kept the horcrux, if she did, she'd be betraying Draco in the worst way. But if she didn't tell them, who know what could happen.
Hermione felt as though her head would explode at any minute. All she wanted to do was to curl up into a ball and cry until she ran out of tears and her body dried up due to lack of moisture.

She was slowly breaking under the mental strain.
She finally snapped. Hermione completely broke down, gut wrenching sobs leaving her lips, and tears flowing down her face.
"O-okay, I'll show you."
Luna squeezed her hand in a sort of way to comfort her.

Hermione took a silver necklace with a large, green emerald, out of her pocket. The same necklace Draco used to make the horcrux. Hermione handed it to Ron, her hands shaky. She mentally apologised to Draco for her betrayal.

"Right. Luna, give me the basilisk fang." Ron said. Luna rummaged in the brown moleskin satchel, before pulling out a large, white and lethally poisonous fang.
Ron placed the necklace on the floor, before passing the fang to Luna. "Care to do the honours?" Luna's face flushed pink.
"M-me?" Luna stuttered.

"Yes you." Ron said. "Come on."
Hermione turned away, unable to witness the destruction of part of Draco's soul.
Hermione didn't see or hear much, except an ear splitting shriek, and a dark cloud of what she believed to be Draco's soul, leaving the destroyed family heirloom. She could, for some reason smell the acrid smell of acid.

Ron gave a whoop of joy. Luna smiled, basking in the glory of her victory.

Hermione felt guilt weigh down on her chest, like a giant boulder.

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