|Twenty Eight|

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"Did you tell them?" Hermione asked Harry fretfully, as they both sat on the cool sand.

"I didn't." Harry answered. Hermione breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't want the Weasleys to ever know about her predicament with Draco. There was silence for a brief moment. The only sound between them was the crashing of the waves onto the shore.
"You know, you have to tell them." Harry said. Hermione turned her head to his direction. "I can't do that."

"Mione you have to... before the truth comes out. Ginny and Ron are starting to get suspicious of Crystal and Storm's parentage." Hermione bit her lip. "Maybe if I-" "Maybe if you what? Don't you think after spending seven years of enduring Malfoy's bullshit that they would recognise his physical features? Storm is a living replica of his father. The Weasleys will probably put two and two together and figure out the truth."

Hermione felt hot tears cascade down her face. They can't know that she spent almost two years of her life, with Malfoy. They can't know that he's the father of her babies. They'd probably hate her if they knew. She sniffled and wiped her tears away with the palm of her hand.

"Ginny's pregnant, Hermione." Harry blurted out, out of the blue. Hermione sighed, running her fingers through her hair. "And how do you feel about that?"
Harry sighed. "I don't know how to feel, actually. Should I feel dread, or should I feel joy? Okay, let me be honest, I feel scared."

"Of what?" She questioned. Harry released a huff of frustration. "Of a lot of things. I'm scared of being a father, I'm scared of losing her and my baby... I'm scared of a lot more things." Hermione took his hand and squeezed it affectionately.
Hermione smiled at him. "You'll be a great father, Harry."
Harry grinned. "Thanks, Mione."

There was more silence, which none of them wanted to break. That silence was comforting at the moment.
Hermione lazily shuffled into the dark kitchen of Shell Cottage, her throat parched and in need of refreshment. Well, that wasn't the only reason she was up.
Her mind simply couldn't lose the haunting thoughts about Draco Malfoy.

Draco, Draco, Draco. That's all she thought about.

Hermione gulped down the water, before refilling the glass again. "My, you really must be thirsty." Hermione heard a voice behind her, which startled her.
She immediately knew who it was.

"You scared me half to death, George." Hermione gasped, clutching the kitchen counter. She then turned to face him.

Like always, George had that impish smirk on his face.
'It's kind of attractive. It makes me want to kis-'
Hermione cringed at her own thoughts.

"It's past your bedtime Mione."
Hermione scowled. "Oh shut up."
"But now that you're up, I guess you can keep me company."
Hermione raised an eyebrow. "Keep you company...?"

George nodded. "I've got insomnia." Insomnia. Was it because of...
Hermione shook the thought out of her head.
"Oh... I had no idea." Hermione said, rubbing her arm, feeling a tad bit awkward.

"Stop with the sympathy. It makes me feel useless." George said. "You're not useless." Hermione muttered.
"Tch. Like hell I am." George grumbled.
"Is this about Fred?" Hermione asked but instantly regretted it. Fred instantly stiffened.

"Oh Merlin, George, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean-" "It's fine. It's not your fault." George said gruffly. Hermione bit her lip, still feeling guilty.
'Gods, I'm so insensitive.'
George stroked her cheek, his eyes fixed on solely on her lips. They looked so soft, and so perfect and so delicious.

Hermione notice George getting closer, and she oh so badly wanted to back away, but alas, there was no space.
Panic rose in her chest, but then dissipated when he felt his slight calloused yet warm hand on her face. Their faces were inches apart and a tiny push would bring both their lips together.
She stared into his eyes and saw a mixture of determination, contentment and lust?
"Gods Hermione." He mumbled before closing the gap between their lips.

Hermione was caught by surprise by the kiss. She felt herself slowly submitting to it...
Hermione kissed back, tilting her head the side. She felt his hands on her waist. His touch, for some reason, caused tingles of pleasure to spread throughout her body.
He forced his tongue into Hermione's mouth, the sudden dominant gesture causing Hermione to gasp in surprise.

She mostly let him do all the work. She let him control her. She didn't even bother letting her tongue fight for dominance because she knew who would win it.
They kissed until they both ran out of oxygen.
Hermione broke the kiss and greedily filled oxygen into her lungs. It was definitely the most intense kiss she had ever received.
Her hand was grabbed on, and tugged onto.
"My... room. Let's go to my room, it's closer."
It took a while for Hermione to process his words. "W-what?"

"Let's go to my room to... you know. Or would you prefer us doing it in the kitchen?"
'Merlin's beard.'
He was taking about them getting intimate.

Well, George Weasley is pretty straightforward.
Hermione didn't know how to answer to his request. She's only been intimate with one person, and she didn't even want to see that person's face!

A warm and sloppy kiss on her neck bought her back down to earth. "Come on." He urged.
Hermione felt conflicted. Sure, this would be her chance to prove to herself that her feelings for Draco had dissipated, but knowing herself, she'd probably feel guilty afterwards. Hermione pushed the latter out of her mind and took George's hand.

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