|Thirty Five|

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"C'mon baby... go to sleep for mommy's sake, please!" Hermione begged Storm, who wailed at the top of his lungs.
Crystal, watched her mother and twin brother with wide, blueish grey eyes, her face flushed from hours of screaming.

Hermione, who was close to tears, gently placed the pacifier in his mouth, which didn't help at all. He merely spat it out, and continued to wail.
"Honestly, can you do anything right?"
She released a shaky sigh.
"S-sorry." She apologised.

She felt his strong arms wrap around her waist. "Give him to me." He said. Without any questions, without contradictions, he passed Storm to his father. His crying instantly calmed when Draco's hands made contact with his small frame.
Draco smiled at Storm, whose head rested on his shoulder.
Hermione beamed at the cute sight. Storm looked so at peace with Draco, it brought her tears.

"You're crying? Why?" Draco questioned.
Hermione sniffed and wiped her eyes.
"You guys look so good together." Hermione said quietly.

"What a pathetic reason to cry." He said, but with a smile. He stroked Storm's tufts of platinum blonde hair. "Women, honestly."
He placed Storm back in his cot, and picked up Crystal.
Hermione watched as he carried her, and within minutes, she was out cold as well.

"Thank you, Love." Hermione breathed. Draco smiled genuinely, which made her heart leap.

Hermione could tell that he was trying to make up for the past few days, and Hermione was glad he was.
Whenever she thought that she might be falling out of love with him, there he comes, her Prince Charming. He sweeps her off her feet and charms her.
But he's only a Prince Charming for a little while...

Trying her best not to wince as Draco's hand made contact with her bruised side, she smiled painfully.
"I want you to do something for me." Draco whispered against her ear. Hermione bit her lip. It depends on what that something is.
Hermione nodded. It's not like she has a choice, does she?

Draco smirked. "Firstly tell me what you know about horcruxes."
Hermione stiffened. Draco's smirk widened at her expression. He figured that she'd react like that.
When she spoke, her words came out hoarse.
"W-what do you want to know about them?" She questioned.
"But that's crazy Draco! Why-"
"I'm just following in the Dark Lord's footsteps. Is that so wrong?"
Hermione wanted to point out that it was wrong in every way, but her fear of being hit stopped her.

"Are you going to tell me or should I force the information out of you?" He said through gritted teeth. He had a very dark look of determination in his eyes, which were the colour of thunderclouds.

"Okay, I'll tell you." Hermione whimpered. "Horcrux making is a very dark branch of magic. Apparently what Harry found out from Dumbledore-" Draco winced at the mention of Albus Dumbledore. "Is that only two people have actually accomplished making a Horcux. Herpo the Foul, and Lord Voldemort. Lord Voldemort used priceless wizarding artefacts to make his horcruxes, for example, Helga Hufflepuff's cup."

"To make a horcrux, you are required to commit murder-"
"Already got that part down. Continue."
Hermione cleared her throat. "A certain incantation is used, so that a part of your soul is transferred into the item of choice. If the said item is destroyed..." Hermione trailed off.

Draco ran his tongue over his teeth. "Is it possible to transfer your soul into another human being's body?"
Hermione thought for a moment before answering. "Actually, yes. When Voldemort tried to kill Harry, the spell backfired, causing a part of his soul to enter Harry, thus the reason he could speak Parseltongue, and he had a connection with Voldemort's thoughts."

"It's all nasty business, Draco." Hermione said in a hushed voice.
"I need to make a horcrux." Draco breathed. Hermione made an indignant noise. "No, you don't!"
"Yes I do!" He exclaimed. Hermione cupped his pale face and looked him in the eyes. Her hazel eyes penetrating his own stormy grey ones.

In them she saw fear, fear shielded by wrath, and pride.
"Why do you even need immortality Draco?"
"I need it to rule the wizarding world. You wouldn't understand. I made an Unbreakable Vow with the Dark Lord before his death. I promised him that I'd rule over the wizarding world if he failed to do so himself."
Hermione's eyes filled with tears.
"An Unbreakable Vow?" She moaned.
He nodded. Hermione began to sob, as tears ran down her face.

She knew, she knew that she was going to lose Draco in the end.

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