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This chapter may contain mild sexual harassment.
The Death Eater free days were the days Hermione could be found lurking the manor, talking to her baby bump, or to Lola, if she decided to tag along.

Unknown to the brunette, she was being spied on.

Hermione blew some air out of her mouth, as she stared at a portrait of one of Draco's great aunts, while rubbing her stomach.
"Boy am I glad that she isn't alive." Hermione mumble to herself and the developing baby in her tummy, before giggling. Draco had nicknamed his great aunt, 'Moustache Woman' because of her visible facial hair. Draco was feeling particularly goofy on that day. Hermione was glad that the portrait was asleep, otherwise there would be hell to pay for, well, having dirty blood.

Suddenly, a hand was cupped over her mouth, and she was being pulled into a guest room, her struggle to break free being fruitless.
Hermione bit into the unidentified person's hand, causing him to groan in pain and let go of her. She then grabbed the nearest object, which was a vase, and held it at him in a threatening manner.
"Woah, woah, relax... it's me, Lloyd." The person said. Hermione stared deeply into his eyes, lowering the vase. "Lloyd?"
Lloyd smirked. "The one and only."

Hermione furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "But what are you doing here?"
Hermione asked. Lloyd cupped her face, staring into her hazel eyes deeply. "I came for you." He said, before smashing his lips on hers. Hermione's eyes widened in shock, as Lloyd roughly kissed her, much to her discomfort. Hermione managed to push him off her, before wiping her lips with the sleeve of her cardigan.

The smile on Lloyd's face disappeared. "Don't you love me?"
"No I don't love you!" Hermione yelled. "I love Draco."
Lloyd snorted. "You're joking right? How can you love that abusive prick?"
Hermione raised an eyebrow at him. "Are you taking about the Dark Lord in that manner?" Lloyd frowned. "I don't know what was going through the Dark Lord's head. How could he choose a blood traitor over me, descendant of Gellert Grindelwald?!"

"You're really full of it!" Hermione snapped, poking him in the chest. Lloyd ignored her angry outburst, and pursued her, eyes a darker shade of blue. "Even though I didn't get the privilege to continue the Dark Lord's noble work, there's still one thing I can still get."
Hermione furrowed her eyebrows in confusion at his statement. Only did she understand its true meaning when she was pinned against the wall by him.

Hermione squirmed in discomfort, as Lloyd eyed her body hungrily. "Do you how long I've wanted to taste you?" He hissed in her ear, his hot breath causing goosebumps to erupt on her skin.
"Let go of me!" Hermione yelled, fear beginning to bubble in her. Lloyd ignored her, and proceeded to smash his lips against hers, pushing his slimy tongue into her mouth. Hermione struggled and kicked, trying her best to get Lloyd off of her. Panic began to rise in her throat as his hand grabbed at the hem of her panties.

Lloyd pulled away from the bruising kiss only to reattach his lips on her exposed neck, biting and sucking on the sensitive skin there. "No... stop." Hermione said weakly, as he ripped her cardigan off her body and unzipped her dress. "Hold still, dammit!" Lloyd exclaimed in fury, pinning her wrist over her head.
Tears blurred Hermione's vision, and a sob left her lips, as he groped one of her heavy breast through the thin fabric of her lacy bra, his lips still focused on her now bruised neck.

Before she knew it, she was being thrown onto the bed, with Lloyd on top of her. She was completely frozen with fear. All she could do was sob and scream as he violated her. With one swift movement, the only piece of clothing on her body, her bra, was taken off as well. There was no sound, no movement, as Lloyd observed the defenceless, nude, female in front of him and Hermione diverted her red eyed gaze somewhere else.

"Fuck." He groaned, unbuckling his belt. "Don't do this."
"Shut up!"
Hermione shut her eyes, her lips quivering with fear and sadness. What she wasn't expecting to hear was a grunt and the sound of punches making contact with flesh. Only did her eyes open when she heard the killing curse being casted.

Hermione stared at Lloyd's motionless body, without any emotion. She was glad that he was dead. "Put this on." Draco grunted, throwing a dressing gown at her.
She put in on with difficulty, since her hands were shaking uncontrollably.
Draco pulled her out of the room, before taking one final glance at Lloyd.
His once lively blue eyes were now dull, and blank and his mouth was opened in a silent scream.

'I hope you burn in hell.'

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