|Twenty Four|

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"H-harry?" Hermione choked out, eyes blurry from tears. Harry's eyes lit up at the mention of his name from his long lost friend.
Hermione oh so desperately wanted to run up to him and engulf him in a spine crushing hug, that would make up for all the days that she was absent for. She wanted him to hold her in his arms and catch up with the person that she desperately missed, but unfortunately she couldn't. Draco's firm grip on her arm didn't allow her to.

"Do you like it baby?" Draco asked Hermione, a smirk on his face. "Caught in the Forest of Dean, just for you. Unfortunately Weasley and Lovegood escaped."
'Luna and Ron were with him?'

Harry struggled against the tight rope binding him, desperate to free himself. Once he did, he'd murder Draco and take Hermione with him. Harry notice the large purple bruise on Hermione's cheek and instantly, burning fury filled him.
'So he's been hurting her?'

"Please let him go Draco." Hermione begged, a waterfall of tears escaping her eyes.
"I can't do that." Draco replied. "Hey now, stop with the waterworks! I can't let him go because I have to kill him-" Hermione began to sob loudly. "But don't worry, I'll let you spend a week with him. Isn't that great?"
Hermione didn't know if she should be happy or not.

Draco walked up to Harry, and removed the gag.
"Malfoy." Harry spat in distaste.
"Potter, you ought to greet me with much more respect! You're in my manor after all." Draco said jokingly.
"Malfoy you bastard!" Harry said, jumping straight to insulting him. "I hope you fucking rot in hell, you son of a bitch!"
Draco chuckled. "I vacation in hell." He then turned to Hermione.

"Love, make sure to untie him, okay?" He said, stroking her cheek, before leaving the dungeon, slamming the door behind him.
Hermione stood, staring at Harry, tears cascading down her pale face, a mortified expression on her face.
Harry's expression softened. "Mione."
"I..." She trailed off before rushing to his side, cutting the ropes with a switchblade Draco had discreetly slipped her. The switchblade fell to the ground and Hermione panted heavily, like she just ran a marathon. Harry immediately lunged at her, engulfing her in a hug familiar to Hermione.

Hermione reacted very badly to the hug. Loud, choked sobs escaped her lips, as she clung to Harry, like how a scared child would cling to his or her mother.
Harry didn't mind that she was crying. In fact, he was holding every single tear in.
"Let it out... Let it all out." Harry whispered in her ear rubbing soothing circles on her back.

Through those tears, all of her pent up agony and angst had been released.
"Merlin Mione... it's been a while, hasn't it?" Harry asked, in an attempt to make conversation with her.
"Oh Harry." Hermione choked out, tears still leaving her eyes. "I-I'm so so sorry."

Harry smiled sadly. "It's ok." He sighed, forehead pressed against hers. "Everything's going to be okay."

"I need you to help me escape." Harry suddenly blurted out. Hermione stared at the raven haired man, looking dumbfounded. "You can't escape!" She said, shaking her head. "It's impossible to leave the Malfoy Manor." Her mind went to the time she had tried to escape the manor, which was unsuccessful. "You're a great witch Mione, I'm sure we'll be able to leave if we put our minds to it."

Hermione almost forgot how horribly optimistic Harry was.

Hermione's bottom lip quivered. "He... Draco b-broke my w-wand. I can't use magic Harry."
"HE WHAT?!" Harry exclaimed angrily. "That bastard!"

"What's with the commotion?" Draco drawled, walking into the dungeon, loudly shutting the steel door behind him. His shoes clicked on the stone floor, as he walked towards the pair.

Hermione squirmed under his burning gaze. "I thought I could trust you with the task of keeping this one discreet." Draco spat. "I guess I forgot how useless you are."
Harry growled in anger, pulling out his wand and pointing it at Draco. "Say that again, I dare you!"
Draco pulled out his wand as well. "This doesn't concern you, Potter."

Hermione screamed in fear, quickly shielding her face as the two males began to duel each other.

After what felt like hours, but was actually a few minutes, the wands lay forgotten on the floor as both men brutally attacked each other. Hermione quickly snapped out of her shocked daze and pulled Harry off Draco. "You're a bastard Malfoy. I hate you!" Harry said, blood running down his nose like water from a faucet.

Draco, who was sporting a busted lip, chuckled. "The feeling's mutual." He then ran his fingers through his hair, looking straight ahead at Hermione, who was tending to Harry's nose. He scoffed. "Did Potter make you forget who you owe your loyalty to?"

"Right. Sorry." Hermione mumbled, scurrying to her feet. Draco kept glaring at her as she walked to his side. Harry watched, dumbstruck by everything he was seeing.

Before he did anything, he cast a binding curse on Harry, who then became bind to the wall.
Hermione gasped as Draco sank his nails into her pale flesh. "I love you very much, do you know that?"
"Y-yes." Hermione mumbled incoherently.
"Speak louder dammit!" He yelled angrily. His temper had run out and she knew that she'd be the one paying dearly, either now, or later.

"Not now Draco... please." Hermione begged.
"Shut up!" He exclaimed, backhanding her. The impact sent Hermione falling to the ground and caused Harry to grit his teeth in anger. "Touch her like that again Malfoy and I'll tear you limb from limb!" He bellowed.

"Get up... I didn't hit you that hard. Gods, you're so useless." Draco said, muttering the last part. He then grabbed her by the arm and dragged her up.
"I-I'm sorry." Hermione mumbled, her voice trembling.
"Why the hell are you apologising to him?!" Harry exclaimed. Hermione threw him a glance. "Harry stay out if this... please."

"Let's go." Draco said, tugging on Hermione's arm, but she didn't budge. "I'll send Lola down to tend to any wounds you have."
"Hermione." Draco said with a tone of danger.

"Hermione, stay safe." Harry said to her. Hermione smiled sadly. "I will."
And with that, Draco dragged her out of the dungeon, muttering about how disloyal she was.

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