|Thirty Six|

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Hermione's eyes shined with tears as she dropped the crumpled Daily Prophet to the ground.
"No..." She whispered.

What is the worst way to find out about a loved one's passing?
Through media. They served the painful truth to you without a shred of remorse. They didn't care if it was your mother, daughter or uncle that died. They care about getting their income.

Her parents, her parents were found dead, in their home. Apparently whoever did the deed framed the sweet, elderly Mrs Brown. The religious lady was never capable of committing murder. Mrs Brown believed murder to be 'the biggest sin anyone could commit and the sin that could guarantee you a place in hell'. It was unlikely that she did it.

Before she knew it, she was stomping in the direction of Draco's office, her face wet with angry tears. She ignored Lola's pleas and retched the door open. She took in the sight of Draco, sitting by his desk, jotting down something on a page of parchment.
"Bastard." She growled.
Draco looked up. "What?"

Lola grabbed her arm and tugged on it. "C'mon Mione, let's go."
"Let go of my arm!" She hissed angrily. Lola immediately removed her hand, as if it was on fire.

"What the fuck do you want?" Draco hissed, standing up.
Hermione walked, no stomped, forward and did something she never thought she'd do again.
She slapped him, hard.

"How. Could. You?!" Hermione sobbed.
Draco looked taken aback. "What?"
"My parents! Y-you murdered them." Hermione sobbed.
"What are you talk-" "YOU KILLED MY FUCKING PARENTS DRACO!" She yelled. She tried to punch him, but he grabbed her arm just in time.
"Relax. Obviously this is a misunderstanding. I'll find out who killed your parents, because it wasn't me." Draco said.
"It... it wasn't you?" Hermione choked out.

"No." Draco said, clearly exasperated.
Hermione released a shaky thought. For a moment she thought he had betrayed her.
"Hmm?" Hermione hummed.
Draco cupped her face. "Don't do that shit again. Okay?"
Hermione felt fear settle into her body again. "O-okay."
Within minutes, Draco had found out who actually murdered Hermione's parents.
It was a Death Eater, by the name of Samuel Mulliver.
His dirty blonde hair covered a part of his eyes, and his muddy green eyes held a look of fear in them.
His thin frame cowered on the floor as Draco towered over him.

Hermione recognised the bastard immediately. He was one of Draco's scumbag followers that made a hobby out of hitting on her and saying obscene things about her body.
Whenever she'd rejected his proposal, he'd call her things like 'Mudblood' or 'ugly slut'.
Hermione was glad to see the pig on the floor, cowering.
Hermione didn't even blink at the sound of his pitiful screams. She watched him writhe in agony, with a look of pure disgust and hate on her face.

"Did you or did you not murder them?" Draco asked, squatting beside him.
"Okay, okay, yes I did!" He finally admitted. "I killed them filthy muggles because it was fun! I don't regret it at all!"
"Oh you will regret it." Draco growled.

He stood up and walked over to Hermione. "Here." He said, giving her his wand. "Go nuts."
Hermione took the wooden stick into her hand, warmth suddenly engulfing her hand.
She turned to Samuel, with a murderous, bloodthirsty look on her face.
Then, she uttered the words,
"Avada Kedavra."

Samuel laid on the floor, not moving, not making a sound not even breathing. He was dead, and Hermione was glad he was.
Draco looked impressed. "My wand please." Hermione passed the wand back to him.

"What are you going to do with the body?" Hermione asked. Draco smirked. "I'll let the bastard rot here."

The seriousness of the crime she committed only struck her when she was in her room.
She dropped to the floor, and sobbed quietly.
"I'm a murderer!" She cried.

Murderer, murderer! The words echoed in her head like a childish chant.


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