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For the past week, Hermione didn't speak to Draco. During dinnertime, everything was much too silent than usual between them; Hermione would just stare down at her plate of food, not really eating much.

Hermione still couldn't get the grotesque image of Fluffy's mangled head out of her mind, and every night, she'd stay awake, afraid of the nightmares that would terrorise her.

Hermione awoke one sunny afternoon to the sound of laughter. Lola then walked into Hermione's room, carrying a few items in her hand, her face flushed. "Hermione," She said breathlessly. "Master Malfoy wants you to come to his office immediately. He also said that you should look presentable." Lola said hastily before leaving again.
"I wonder what he wants know." She groaned to herself. She sighed heavily, looking around her room.

Quickly, she took a shower, and got dressed in a floral print, spaghetti strap dress, with salmon coloured flats. She tied her hair up in a high ponytail and hastily applied strawberry lipgloss on her lips. She analysed herself in the mirror before running out of her room and rushing to Draco's office.

She hesitantly knocked on the door, waiting for authorisation to enter.
"Come in!" He heard Draco say. Hermione took a deep breath before walking in.
Draco was leaning against his desk, quill between his fingers and sleeves rolled up.
He was conversing with a man who looked roughly the same age as Draco. The man had messy black hair, sea blue eyes and a lean and muscular build. His black shirt clung to his upper body, emphasising his muscular biceps.
Hermione didn't realise she was staring, until Draco called her name.
"Hermione? Hermione. Come over here." He said, motioning with his index finger for her to come forward.
Hermione walked over to him, her heart racing. Draco wrapped his arm around her waist, before placing a lingering kiss on her lips. He pulled away, breaking the kiss. "Hermione this is my colleague, Lloyd. Lloyd, this is my beautiful wife, Hermione."
"Nice to meet you, Hermione." Lloyd said, flashing her a grin. Hermione felt her heart skip a beat.
"N-nice t-t-to meet y-you too." Hermione stuttered stupidly. Draco narrowed his eyes at her, digging his nails into her waist.
"Lloyd could you give us a moment alone?" Draco asked, eyes still on Hermione, who was squirming uncomfortably.
Lloyd looked from Draco to Hermione, confusion written all over his face. "Uhm... okay." He said, leaving the young couple.

Draco lips made contact with the skin at the back of Hermione's neck, sucking and biting on it until it bruised.
"Draco," Hermione breathed.
Draco then proceeded to grabbing a tuft of her chestnut hair, and pulling hard. "Are you trying to embarrass me?" He asked, danger lurking in his voice.
"Do you know what happens if you embarrass me? Would you like me to show you?" He hissed, his hot breath sending chills down Hermione's spine. "N-no."
"Good girl." He said, stroking her bottom lip.
"Merlin, do you know how sexy you look right now?" Draco growled, lust apparent in his eyes.

"You know, I'd really really love a repeat of that night." Hermione felt fear take over her body, at the memory of that faithful night.
"Draco... please not now." She pleaded in a shaky voice, as his fingers pulled at the strap of her dress, his teeth leaving their mark on her creamy skin in the form of bruises. Draco grunted, pushing the strap back up.
He walked away from her shaking figure and grabbed his untouched glass of whiskey. "Get out." He snapped as he brought the glass of the lethally addictive substance to his lips.
Hermione left the office, feeling grateful that she left there unscathed.
As Hermione rubbed her flat stomach, she paged through a quite interesting ancient runes book she found.
"What ya doing?" A husky voice rang in her ear, causing her to jump in fear.
"Sorry, didn't mean to give you a fright." Lloyd said, chuckling.
Hermione took a deep breath, closing her eyes. "Please refrain from doing that again Lloyd. You nearly gave me a heart attack!" She said.
"Again, I apologise." He said, taking a seat next to Hermione on the overly large armchair. Hermione's palms began to sweat. "You don't mind if I sit here, do you? Oh, you're reading about ancient runes? That used to be my favourite subject!" Hermione watched, fascinated by both his face and his knowledge about ancient runes. Occasionally she would nod and blindly agree with a few of his opinions on the subject.

"Hey Hermione?"
"What's that... on your neck?" That question was enough to snap her out of her dreamy daze. Hermione felt her windpipe constrict as she touched the bruise on her neck she had gotten from a row she had with Draco the day before.
'What am I supposed to tell him?' Hermione thought, searching her brain for suitable lies to tell Lloyd. "Oh that," Hermione chuckled nervously. "I fell down the stairs. Clumsy me!"
Lloyd winced. "Ouch. I'm sorry."
"It's fine." Hermione said, flashing him a grin. Lloyd returned the grin, causing her heart to skip a beat.

Little did Hermione know that Lloyd's visits to the manor would be more frequent...

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