|Forty One|

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Draco doubled over, clutching his chest in agony. Harry wanted to whoop in triumph; Luna and Ron destroyed the horcrux like he hoped they would!

"Doesn't matter." Draco huffed. "I can still win, even without it."
With a wave of his wand, the rope binding Harry disappeared. "Why don't we have a man-to-man duel. Just you and me Potter."
Draco proposed, ushering Vanna and the other Death Eaters out.

After they left, Harry drew his wand from his pocket, a determined look on his face. Both males ignored the loud thud in the corridor and sound of spells being casted by familiar voices.

Before he could even utter his first spell, he was blasted in the chest by Draco. Draco chuckled menacingly. "Too slow."
Harry growled in anger. "Expel-"
"Blocked." Draco said, after casting his silent incantation. At this point Harry was frustrated beyond measure. He hasn't fully mastered silent magic, and only knew how to cast a few spells without saying their incantations. So he tried that on Draco.

However the spell was blocked again by a counter-curse from Draco.
Draco was amused by the pathetic show Harry was putting on for him. "Really? Is this the power of 'The Chosen One'? Is this really the person that defeated the all mighty and feared Lord Voldemort?"

"CRUCIO!" Harry yelled in frustration. Draco dodged the jet of light just in time.
"Expelliarmus! Stupefy! Petrificus Totalus! Dammit, Wingardium Leviosa!" Harry yelled, sending endless spells towards Draco, which he dodged without any effort.

"I think it's my turn." Draco said. Pointing his wand at Harry, he sent a series of silent spells towards Harry, two of which he was able to dodge, and one he identified as  'Sectumsempra', because of the cuts left on Harry's leg and arm.
Harry coughed, clutching his bleeding arm.
"Crap." He mumbled.

Draco stalked towards Harry, a smirk on his lips. "What's wrong Potter? What happened to that determination you came with?" Draco sneered. "Ah, I guess you're not the formidable opponent I hoped for."
He pointed his wand at him. "Say hello to your parents for me Potter."

Both Draco and Harry turned towards the direction of the commotion. Whoever screamed 'stop' delayed Harry's inevitable death for Merlin knows how long, which he was grateful for.
Hair frizzier than normal, hazel eyes big and glassy with tears, Hermione stood in the doorway, chest rising and falling rapidly. "Draco no."
"Hermione." Draco breathed. He felt the darkness in him ebb away.

"Draco please don't." She begged. Her legs finally gave up on her, and she fell to her knees, her body shaking with every sob that left her body.
Draco walked towards her, crouching next to her. He cupped her face, gazing deeply into her eyes. Hermione wanted him to never let go.
"You'll forgive me won't you?"
She wanted to say 'no', but her mouth automatically formed the words 'yes'.
Draco pulled her in for what felt like their final kiss.
His lips were softer than ever against hers. He kissed her with so much passion, that it felt like he was kissing her with not only his lips, but his entire soul.

Draco broke the kiss, earning a frustrated whine from Hermione. "I love you Mione." He whispered. "I love you too Draco." She replied.

He stood up and uttered those dreadful words.
"Avada Kedavra!"
Almost immediately, Harry yelled, "Expelliarius."

Hermione screwed her eyes shut and waited for the bright light to completely disappear. Once it did, Hermione opened her eyes, her heart beating like African drums.
She saw Harry lying with his head facing the ground. Hermione's heart gave a jolt. 'Is he...'
Harry groaned, sitting up. He was alive.

Hermione turned to the other side, and what she saw made her go white. Draco was lying motionless to the floor, not breathing, not moving.
"NO!" Hermione screamed. She scurried towards Draco's motionless body, collapsing next to him.
"Draco please, no! Draco!" Hermione cried, in agony, her fingers running through his platinum blonde hair. It was still soft and still smelt of apples and cinnamon, his warm comforting scent. The scent that will soon be replaced by the scent of death...

Hermione, in an attempt to revive him, pressed her lips against his cold ones, tears flowing down her pale face and landing on Draco's cold lifeless one. "Draco wake up please!" She sobbed, placing small kisses on his face.

Before she knew it, she was being pulled away from Draco's body by someone.
"Hermione I'm so sorry." George whispered, hugging her. "It's not fair, it's not fair!" She sobbed into his chest.

Her only reason to live, Draco, was taken away from her.
Her love, her everything, Draco.

The word 'life' felt meaningless without Draco.

She was slowly drifting into a never ending abyss of nothingness, without Draco.

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