Chapter 15: Lothlorien

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"Gandalf!" I yell. As I see Gandalf start to fall, Legolas picks me up, and we run out of Moria, escaping the goblins arrows that had started to fly towards us. I'm screaming for him to put me down, more tears streaming down my face. God... I really have to stop crying, I am such a baby. Instead of not crying, I stop screaming at Legolas, who is running for our lives, trying to get out of that god forsaken mine. 

        It seems like days to get out of there, but I know that it only took a few short minutes. When I feel the heat of sunlight hit me, I know that we are outside, not in Moria. Legolas finally puts me down, hugging me. "It's going to be okay. You're going to be okay..." He trails off, sighing. 

It is Aragorn who is the least sad of all of us, or he acts like it anyway. "I will become the leader, in Gandalf's stead. Legolas, Gimli, get the hobbits up. " He walks up to Legolas and I, "Hang in there, Hailey."

Legolas lets go of me, patting my shoulder, then walks to Sam. "Come Sam, there will be a time to celebrate Gandalf's greatness."

"Give them a minute, for pities sake! Can you not see this new burden that has come upon them? They have lost a dear friend, are you so blind to their pain?" Boromir says to Aragorn.

"By nightfall, these hills will be swarming with orcs. Do you wish to dieregard Gandalf's last words? We must head to the forests of Lothlorien."

"Aye," Gimli agrees, "But look now upon Caradhras. It is sure looking friendly now, smiling in the sun. Why not go there?" 

Aragorn shakes his head, "I will not risk taking that path again. Boromir! Get the hobbits up. Frodo!" He looks for Frodo, who has wandered off a ways, "Frodo!! Come, stay strong. There will be a time to grieve Gandalf's... death." He hesitated before saying the word, as if saying it would guarentee that the wizard was really gone. When Frodo has come back towards the fellowship, I notice that their are tears stains on his face. Poor guy. I think, he's handling it better than I am, and I barely knew him.... oh well. Aragorn starts heading down the mountains, the rest of the fellowship, mostly the hobbits and I, slowly follow him, and I struggle through the pain, until Boromir comes and helps me. 

We haven't been walking for long, before Legolas points out the edge of the forest, now coming into view. "There in front of us, lie the fairest dwellings of my people. There are no other trees like these ones throughout the land, in autumn, there leaves turn to gold, and do not fall. They do not fall until spring, when the green of new leaves come. Then, will they fall, covering everything in their golden beauty. There are songs in Mirkwood about the endless beauty of the trees. My heart would be glad to visit these woods in the springtime." He looks at Boromir and I, and then turns, and I think that his head is slightly pointing down, as if sad. I clear the idea from my head as fast as it came in.

Aragorn chuckles, "My heart, good friend, would be glad to arrive in the dead of winter. But, we should hasten our pace, for the beauty of Lothlorien is still many miles ahead of us." We all pick up our pace, eager to move on to safer havens.

We travel in silence until we enter Lothlorien, which is broken by Gimli, "I hear of a great sorcerer, and elf-witch who is so powerful, those who look upon her," He looks around him, "Are cast upon her spell, never to be seen again." 

I looke at Frodo, who seems to be in a trance. "Mr. Frodo?" Sam says, coming up to his side.

But Gimli is oblivious to Frodo, "Well! Here's one dwarf she won't ensnare so easily. Stay close hobbits! I have the eyes of a hawk, and ears of a fox......OH!" 

I laugh at Gimli, but then see why he cried out. We are now surrounded by elves. with their bows drawn. Legolas, with his own bow in hand, is facing the circle, ready to fire, all though there is no chance of winning.

"A dwarf breathes so loudly, we could have shot him in the dark." The head elf turns to Legolas, and bows, "Mae govannen, Legolas Thranduilion." (Welcome, Legolas son of Thranduil)

Legolas returns the greeting, "Govannas vîn gwennen le, Haldir o Lórien." (Our fellowship stands in your debt, Haldir of Lorien)

Next the Elf, Haldir, turns to Aragorn, "A, Aragorn in Dúnedain istannen le ammen." (Oh, Aragorn of the Dunedain, you are known to us.)

Aragorn bows, "Haldir."

Gimli is irritated by all of this elvish speaking, "Well, speak in a  language we can all understand." 

Haldir looks disgusted by Gimli's presence, "We have not had dealings with dwarves since the dark days..." 

Triumphaintly, Gimli says, "And do you know what this dwarf has to say to that? Ishkhaqwi ai durugnul!" (I spit upon your grave!)

Aragorn scolds Gimli as if he was a child, "That, was not so courtious." 

Haldir turns to Frodo, "You have brought something dangerous, and of great power with you." He turns away from us, "You may go no further."

"Wait!" I cry, and Haldir turns.

Facing me he asks, "And who might you be?"

I swallow, "I..... I am Hailey Richards.... of," I pause, "I am not from this world."

Haldir gives me a confused look, then talks to Aragorn in elvish. Legolas tries to butt in. but is told otherwise by Haldir. He walks towards me, giving me a sad smile. "Haldir knows not if it is wise to trust you. He..... he told Aragorn that if the fellowship is allowed into the city, that there is a good chance that...." he trails off, looking down. "you won't be able to join us. I'm sorry." 

I shake my head, and smile. "Do not be, for it is not your fault, Legolas." I look over to where Aragorn and Haldir are argueing. "I felt like he should know that I'm not from here. If they think I'm a threat, then I will respect their wishes."

Aragorn and Haldir come over to where the rest of the fellowship was sitting, "You will follow me. But," He turns and faces me, "You, my lady, will have your eyes sheilded. Do not think that you will be trusted here." I nod, grateful that I can come along. 

When my blindfold was on, I feel a hand on my back, ready to guild me when we left. 

"Lord Haldir!" I hear Boromir say, "I believe that Hailey would feel safer if someone she knew guilded her to the city. If I may....." I presume that Haldir is okay with the idea, because I feel the hand leave my back, and I feel Boromir press against me instead. He was right, I do feel safer with someone familiar guilding me. 

I lose track of time and direction as I'm being guilded through Lothlorien. We have probably travelled a few miles, before we stop, and I feel Boromir's hand pull off my blind fold. I'm breathing heavily, mostly from the pain my leg was causing me.

Legolas give me a worried look, "Are you alright?" Grimacing, I give him a very unconviencing nod. He sighs, and puts a arm around my waist, letting me put some of my weight onto him "If you need help tell us. Don't suffer through it byyour self. Besides," he looks at me and smiles, "Aren't you the one who told me that the fellowship looks after all it's other members?" 

I lightly punch him in the gut, "That was in battle, this is different."

"How so? You are battleing through your pain."

"Yeah, my pain." 

As he is about to respond, Haldir and two other elves appear in front of us. One, is a beautiful, but creepy, she-elf. The other a handsome he-elf. 

Haldir approaches towards us, "Lord Celeborn, and Lady Galadriel of Lothlorien." Legolas and Aragorn are the first to bow, and the rest slowly follow their actions, even Glimli, to my surprise. 

Galadriel looks at us one by one, "Nine there are, yet ten there were when sent out from Rivendell. Tell me, where is Gandalf, for I much desire to speak with him.." Celeborn asks.

Galadreil continues, "Gandalf the Grey has fallen into shadow..." She looks at me. "This quest now stands on the edge of a knife, stray but a little, and you will fail...." Her mouth keeps moving but I can no longer hear here

Hello, Hailey Richards of Washingon. I personally welcome you to Middle Earth, and Lothlorien....

My eyes widen. Lady Galadreil spoke to me..... with her mind. What was this magic? 

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