Chapter 11: Caradhras Pass

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After the council was over, we all headed back to our rooms to go pack up our thing. When I entered my room, there is a new sword attached to weapons belt laying on my bed, with a small letter attached.

        Dear Lady Hailey,

                Aragorn, or Strider as you may know him, informed me that you were without a sword, so here is a gift to you. This sword's name is Andúril, or the flame of the west. There will be times, where your bow and arrows will be useless. Learn to fight, and don't be afraid to use it. 

                                ~Gandalf the Grey

I look at Andruil, and the belt that came with it. It had a dagger, sheathed and attached to the belt, like the sword was. Excitement filling me up, I quickly put on my new belt before continueing to pack. 

                                                       * * * * * * * *

The Fellowship meets at the main gate around 2:30, I'm guessing. We all are standing in two rows, with the hobbits in front, next to Frodo. Legolas comes and stands on my left, and whispers into my ear, "You ready?" I smile at him, and give him a single nod.

        "The Ringbearer is setting out on the journey to Mount Doom, and those who travel with him know that there is no bond nor oath that is making you go further  than your will permits you. Farewell my friends, and you have the blessings of elves," Elrond looks at Legolas, "And men," turning his to Boromir, "and the free folk." He looks at Gimli. He gestures for us to take our leave. 

"The Fellowship awaits the ringbearer." Gandalf says, and Frodo takes the lead followed by Ganfalf, the Hobbits, Aragorn, Boromir, then me, with Legolas taking up the back. Gandalf puts a hand on Frodos shoulder, whispering something to him. Then, we take a left out of Rivendell, and the Journey to Mordor begins. 

We walk over mountains, over hills and past ancient ruins before stopping to eat something at on a rocky hill. I sit down next to Frodo, eager to rest my tired legs, as Sam pulls out a frying pan and some sausages for us to eat. We watch Merry and Pippen practicing using their swords with Boromir.

At one point, I saw Boromir accidently cut Pippens hand, and when he steps forward to look at his hand, Pippen kicks him in the shin as Merry joins the attack on Boromir yelling, "For the Shire! Hold 'im down Pippen!" The two manage to wrestle Boromir to the ground, jumping on top of him. Frodo and I laugh, and Aragorn lets out a chuckle.

Suddenly, I hear Sam's worried voice, "What is that?" I look up, seeing adark wisp of....clouds?

Gimli disregards the question, "Thats just a wisp of clouds, laddy."

I hear Legolas walk behind me, "No... its moving fast, against the wind." He is quiet for a moment, then yells, "Crebain, From Dudland!"

Aragorn jumps to his feet, "HIDE!!" Everybody is frantically packing everything, and finding shelter from the crebains eyes. Legolas pulls me onto my feet, and pulls me under a nearby bush. As the birds fly over us, I feel Legolas pull me closer, and away from the light. 

        "Don't move." I hear him whisper, "If any part of us is in the light, they will know we are here, if they don't already know." I nod, letting him know I understand.

When the screeching of the Crebain dissapates, I come out of the bush, being shortly followed by Legolas. We stand up, and watch the others come out of hiding.

"Spies of Saurman are watching the passage south." He looks up at a great, snow-covered mountain. "We must take the passage of Caradhras." 

        We, well... most of us, are trudging through shin-high snow, as Legolas takes the lead, lightly bounding on top of the snow.  We are heading up the mountain, when Frodo loses his balance, tumbling backwards into me. I help him get up, and brush some of the snow off of him.

When Frodo checks to make sure the ring is safe, I look up to see that Boromir is hold in the chain of the ring, staring at is as if he is in a trance, "It's a strange fate that such a little thing to cause us such fear and doubt." 

I look at Boromir. "Give Frodo the ring, Boromir..." He looks at me, then to the ring, then exends his hand to Frodo, who snatches the ring from him. I look at Boromir as I walk past him. I see Aragorn nod his head in approval of my actions, as he takes his hand off the handle of his sword. Was he going to fight Boromir if he refused? I look at Aragorn, with shock on my face.

I keep walking forward, catching up to Legolas, Gandalf, and the other hobbits. Legolas falls back, walking in stride with me. "Aragorn was ready to do what might have had to be done. If Boromir refused to hand back the ring." He sighed." He couldn't be trusted, and something would have had to be done." I swallow, feeling distrust for Boromir and concern for the rest of the fellowship comeing over me. I sigh, we've just started this quest, and we are already having the ring becoming a problem? This is going to be-

Legolas intrupted my thoughts. "I know, its hard to take, having to worry about someone betraying us so soon into the journey. Have faith in Boromir, he has a strong will, and will not so easily be swayed by the ring." He looks at me, smiling. I would have felt better from his words, if it didn't sound like he was trying to convince himself of the same thing. 

        We walk in silence, trudging on and ignoring our exhausted legs begging for us to stop. When we reach Caradhras Pass itself, we walk into a blizzard. Aragorn, Boromir, Legolas and I help the hobbits walk through the snow. When the blizzard suddenly worsesns, Legolas tries to yell over it. "Gandalf! There is a foul voice on the air!" 

"It's Saruman! He's trying to bring down the mountain!!" Gandalf yells as lightning strikes the mountain, causing a landslide of snow to come plummeting towards us. Legolas pushes me away from the edge of the cliff, as everybody dives towards the mountain. 


Legolas is the first one to pop out of the snow blanket, pulling me up with him. Aragorn, Boromir and Gimli follow, then start pulling out the hobbits. Gandalf comes out, pulling Frodo with them.

"We must turn back!" Boromir yells over the howling of the wind, "Let us make for the Gap of Rohan! We can take the west road to my city!"

Aragorn shakes his head, "The Gap of Rohan takes us to close to Isengard!"

Gimli nods in agreement. "If we cannot pass over the mountain, let us pass under it. Gandalf, let us go through the mines of Moria!" 

Gandalf looks at the Fellowship, a concerned look on his face. He pauses, before answering, "Let the ringbearer decide." 

Boromir speaks up, "We cannot stay here! This will be the death of the Hobbits!" I look over to the four of them, huddled together, shivering in the shoulder high snow.

Frodo looks at Gandalf, "We will take the mines." 

Gandalfs look of fear was so sudden, I thought I'd imagined it. "Very well." He replies in a monotone voice.

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