Chapter 18: Separation of the Fellowship

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"Hailey!! Find Boromir!" Aragorn shouts, "I'm going to go look for Frodo!" 

"Right!" I say, I grab my bow and quiver, and am about to leave, but am stopped by Legolas.

"Let me go with you. I...." he pauses, "I don't trust Boromir." 

I shake my head, and start to walk away, "Stand guard, something might happen." I smile, and start running in search for Boromir. 


"Frodo?" I turn, seeing Boromir. I had left, wanting to be alone for a while. "I know why you seek solitude. The ring is getting to you, I see it day by day," He bends down, picking up another stick to add to his arms, "But none of us should wander alone. Least of all you." He walks closer to me, and I take a step back. "Are you sure that you do not suffer needlessly? There are other ways Frodo. Other paths we might take"

I take another step away from Boromir, "I know what you would say, and would seem like wisdom. If not for the warning in my heart."

Boromir looks confused, "Warning against what?? We’re all afraid, Frodo. But to let that fear drive us, to destroy what hope we have, don’t you see that is madness?"

I shake my head, "Boromir, there is no other way!"

He throws is bundle of fire wood down, "I only wish for the strength to denfend my people!" 

I shake my head, and take some more steps back, "No."

"Why do you step back? I am no thief."

I start walking backwards, as he comes closer, "You aren't yourself! Can't you see this!?"

I turn and run, "You fool!!" I hear him yell. He catches up with me, tackling me to the ground.

He wrestles for the ring crying, "It is not your save by unhappy chance, it could have been mine! It should have been mine! Frodo, give it to me!!!!" 

I squirm out from under Boromir, and slip on the ring, running away. "You have betrayed the fellowship!! You will take the ring to Sauron!" I run back to that yelling traitor as he stands up. I kick his feet out from under him, and run away.


I come across Boromir, laying on the ground, covered in leaves. "Frodo? Frodo, I'm sorry!" He repeating that over and over in a quiet voice.

"Boromir?" I walk to him slowly, "What happened?" 

He whirls around, as if he didn't know that I was there. "Hailey!" He shoots up, "Oh Hailey, It's Frodo. He.... I...." he trails off, then turns around. "Frodo?" 

My patience is running short. "BOROMIR. Tell. Me. What. Happened." 

He turns and faces me, and I see a tear fall from his face. Oh my god, you have GOT to be kidding me. "I tried to take the ring." He looks at me, eyes wide with fear, "From Frodo."

Now it's my turn to be surprised. "Wha-" I shake my head, "Nevermind. It doesn't matter. Where did Frodo go?"

Boromir turns around them, pointing. "I'm not sure though. He.... put the ring on to get away from me..." I run past him, following where he was pointing. 

"Hailey! This way!!" I hear Legolas, and look downhill to my left. I see him and Gimli running somewhere.

"Orcs, lass!" Gimli cried, "They've found us!" 

I run towards them, and I see a stone bridge sorta thing, with orcs crawling all over it. Aragorn is in the middle of the pack, yelling for Frodo to run. I whip out my bow, shooting as fast as I can. I see orcs falling from the bridge, and I know that Legolas is shooting them too. 

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