Chapter 27: After the War

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~Gandalf's POV~ (still when the battle is going on)

To my surprise and joy, the orc army is surprised by our sudden attack. After a few short minutes of battleing them, they started to retreat into Fangorn. "No!" I yell, seeing the riders start to follow them towards the great forest, "Don't go into the wood! That is the forest of Fangorn. There, will they fing their doom." I chuckle to myself. Were the orcs really so daft as to not know about Fangorn? 

The riders stop, thankfully, as the orcs flee into the wood. It was mere seconds later, when you could see the trees start to crush the orcs. Their screams echoed throught the land. I, not being amazed by this action, turn and head towards Helms Deep. Many of the soldiers stare, with fear in their eyes, at Fangorn. 

I sigh, and pat Shadowfax's neck, "Thank you, my friend. But, I am sure that we could use your help further into this journey. If it isn't to much of a bother, dear friend, will you accompany us to Gondor?" I shake my head grimly, "I fear that is where most of men will fall."

~Hailey's POV~

I look down, feeling the guilt seep into me. Legolas strided forward, only inches away from me, and gently pulled off my helmet. 

"Hailey," His voice was low, and deadly calm, letting me know he was furious. "Why?" 

Gimli stood up, "I, er, think I see Aragorn looking for me. I'll see you both later." Gimli takes his leave, not wanting to get caught up in Legolas's fury. 

"Why did you do this?" Legolas says again. I feel his gaze bore into me. 

"They.... needed help. And-" I started, my voice quiet. 

"And we got it, from Haldir. Try again." Each word is like a sword in my heart. I've never seen him so mad.

"I'm part of the fellowship. When I joined, I swore to protect Frodo. Which means fighting anybody who helps Mordor, not sitting in the caves with the women and children being useless." I say, turning my back to him. "I want to help. I want to fight. I want to get revenge on the creatures who killed Boromir, who kidnapped Merry and Pippen. They are part of this fellowship, and so we have to protect them too. Like I said at Caradhras, it is the fellowships job to protect it's memebers, not just Frodo and the ring." My voice chokes up, and my whole body fills with sadness. "Am I not part of this fellowship?" I whisper, unable to talk louder, unsure if he could hear me. 

I hear him sigh, and he steps forward, wrapping his arms around me. "Hailey, you are a part of this fellowship." He rests his chin on my head, "It's just with the wargs..." he sighs, "I was so scared. At first, at the end, when I didn't see you... I thought you died." He pauses, taking in a deep breath, "If you had died, it would have killed me also. Inside, my heart would have died as would a part of my soul." He turns me around, shaking his head. "I couldn't bear having the knowledge that you were fighiting in that battle-"

"Well, you didn't know that I was fighting, so-" I start to tease him, before he cuts me off.

"That isn't the point!!" He yells look, his hand grasp my shoulders with a grip of iron. "The point is you could have died, and," He looks at me, his eyes shining with tears, "and I wouldn't have been able to continue." He hugs me again, like he wouldn't let me go, "I would have been a living, breathing person, with no soul or happiness left, with no meaning to live." 

"Legolas... I'm sorry. I didn't know that you..." I trail off.

"That I cared so much about you?" He chuckles softly, "I thought I had been pretty obvious lately." He shrugs, "I guess not." 

"No," I say, my face turning bright red, "That's not I meant." Legolas snorts. I give him an annoyed look before continuing. "I meant that I didn't know that you felt like that when I was fighting. I'm so sorry."

"So will you promise to not fight? At least in the large wars?" He voice sounds a little hopeful.

I step back, out of his arms, "I'm sorry, Legolas. I can't do that." I see the hope leave those dark brown eyes, "Not fighting would kill a part of me." I look away, "You, of all people, should know what that feels like." 

He gives a small smile, "I understand. Just," to my annoyance, he steps closer, "Stay near me, okay? Please?" 

"Very well."  I say quietly. He smiles, and leans towards me. I try to step back, but don't move fast enough. His arm wraps around my back, and he kisses me. 

I feel lighter than air, and a small feeling of happiness. I, reluctantly, pull back, looking at Legolas, eyes wide. "Legolas-"

His smile widens slightly, "Thank you Hailey. We should really go join the others though." I quickly nod, and we walk back into Helms Deep, and to the rest of the survivors. 

                                                 * * * * *  

It was evening when we arrived back at Medusuld. King Theoden said that a celebration for victory was needed. "What they need to do," Legolas said angrily, "Is to mourn the lives that were lost. Then, may they celebrate. Does he not know how his people are suffering from their grief?" he shakes is head.

"His is trying to get people to get their mind off of their grief, Legolas." I say before he can continue. "I'm sure he knows what his people are feeling after a war." I give  a small smile, trying to ease his conscience.

As if on cue, Gandalf walks in. "The celebration has been put off till our return. They will mourn while we are gone." 

Gimli and Aragorn walk in as I ask, "Where are we going?" 

"To save the hobbits, lassie." Gimli says.

"You hadn't forgotten about them, have you?" Legolas whispers, laughing softly.

"No, I haven't." I huff, eventhough they had slipped my mind. Probably because of battle and what not.

Legolas nods his head slowly and a smile plays on his lips, "Sure. I won't tell anybody." 

I try to shove him off his chair, but instead of falling, he gracefull stands up, "I did not you stupid elf!" He grabs my hands, pulling me to my feet, laughing. 

"Now they all know what we were talking about, Hailey. You were the one who admitted it, not I." Legolas drops my hands, but doesn't stop smiling. 

Aragorn smiles, "Let him be, Hailey. He is as stubborn as a dwarf sometimes."

"Oi! Watch is laddie!" Gimli says, "I will not be compared to an elf!" 

Gandalf, who had seemed amused by this whole conversation, was the one to end it. "Except it Gimli, is an inescapable fact." His smile slwly fades, "Now, we have a more serious task on hand. The hobbits are still not in our company, and that needs to change. We must make our way to Isengard."

Thank you for reading this chapter, eventhough it was a filler. Isengard is intense, so please keep reading!! Please, feel free to comment your thoughts. Even if they are totally negative and mean, I will greatly appreciate them! ~triforce11

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