Chapter 42: The Tree of the King

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We walk through the stony remains of the battlefield, but to where I had no idea. Legolas helped me over large rocks when we needed to, never letting go of my hand. 

We walk for a good twenty minutes before I ask where we are going. "Up to where the steward's refuge is," He explains as we keep walking, "I need to see if Faramir is okay, and to see what's left of Aragorn's home-to-be."

"I thought he didn't want to be king." I asked, confused.

Legolas smiles at me, his dark brown eyes mysterious, "I have a feeling his mind will change by the end of it all." I smile back at him, and he squeezes my hand. "I know your worried and scared for the future, and so am I. But, I also have a feeling that everything will work out. You'll see." 

My smile grows wider, "Thank you Legolas. I was wrong to despair." 

He raises his eyebrows, "I said that at Helm's Deep." He says, amused.

"I know." He grins, shaking his head at me. "What?" I ask as he starts to laugh.

"I can't believe that I can actually put up with you." I slap his head with my free hand gently, "I mean," Legolas quickly corrects himself, "I can't believe you put up with me, sorry." 

"That's more like it." I huff, crossing my arms. It isn't long before I break down into laughter, "God, Legolas. How could I not put up with you?"

He bows dramatically, "Thank you, thank you." His smile fades, and he looks at me seriously, "How did this," He gestures to us, "happen?" 

I shrug, "Fate? I wasn't aware that fate could be so... nice."

Legolas's grip tighten's on my hand, "That's what aI'm worried about, Hailey." He looks away from me, and where we were walking to, "There is still another battle to be fought." 

I sigh loudly, "And you think I don't know that?" 

"No, it's not that." He stops walking. "We're almost there."  

"I know. But, why are we going up here exactly?" 

Legolas looks at me, "Apparently, people didin't want to risk moving Faramir, so they kept him up where he was."

"So, how long was I out?"

Legolas looks at me, surprised. "Only a few hours. Maybe... six or seven. Anyway, I want to make sure that Faramir's okay." He smiles at me as we walk into the courtyard.

The first thing I see makes me gasp, "Legolas!" I exclaim, point in front of me. The white tree of Gondor had as single, beautiful flower on it.

Legolas smiles at me, "Hence me thought that Aragorn will become King." 

"You knew about this." I make more of a statement then a question. "You are so mean to me." 

Legolas laughs, "Am I now?" He laughs, letting go of my hand. We walk towards the white stone building, and I see the doors slowly. 

Out steps a very.. familiar figure. "Is that Boromir?" I whisper, shocked.

"Hailey, he died. You know this, and I know this. That is his younger brother, Faramir." Legolas's voice is annoyingly kind. 

"Legolas!" Faramir calls, hurrying over to us, "Long time since I've last seen you, my friend." He turns to me, "You must be Hailey." His smile is kind, "When I saw Frodo, not six days past, he talked about you and the rest of the fellowship. He said you were a great fighter, full of courage."

I bow my head, "Thank you, Faramir." 

"Would you too mind accompanying me back to the houses of healing?" He looks behind him, "The people who were caring for me were going to, but you two are a much better company." 

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