Chapter 34: Preparing for the White City

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"I'd better pack then." I say, smiling. Aragorn seems to get the point.

He smiles at me, "I will see you later, then?" I nod, smiling. "Come, Legolas. We should get ready as well."

The elf nods, but doesn't move, "I'll be there in a moment." He says. Aragorn smiles kindly and leaves us.

"Must you come?" Legolas asks once the door shuts. 

I give Legolas a surprised look, "Of course!" I say, stifling a laugh, "I'm not going to miss this for the world." I look at the elf's worried face, "If it would ease your mind, I can vow to stay by you or another member of the fellowship."

His face brightens slightly, "That... that would help." He smiles, and takes my hand, "Are you sure that you'll be alright? You seemed to be having a rough time just a few minutes ago." I hate the concerned sound in his voice.

"I'm fine, Legolas," I assure him, squeezing his hand. Sure, I hurt some, but I wasn't about to let him know that. "Please, try to worry about me less." I look down, "It makes me feel... weak." 

Legolas chuckles, "Weak? But you are everything but weak, Hailey. You should know this by know."

I shrug. "I'm one of those people who is lacking in self confidence." Legolas sighs, and looks up at me, "What?" I dared myself to ask him.

"You have no idea how much people like you." He smiles, "Especially me." 

I snort, "I'm pretty sure I know how much you like me."

"Good." He brushes his lips against mine, "Never forget that." 

I try to ignore how my heart started to beat faster. "I need to pack." I say sternly. Legolas leaves without another word. 

I slowly stand up, my legs aching with an unknown soreness. I hobble over to my bags, shivering from the cold. I clasp on my elvish cloak, and throw some clothes into my bag. I look over to my quiver. I was running pretty low on arrows. 

I try to walk normally out of Medsuld and into the armoury. "Eomer," I call as I push open the door, "Can you get me some arrows?" I smile weakly, as he rushes over.

"Are you alright?" He asks, his eyes wide in surprise. 

I nod, "I'm fine. But walking is so hard." I exaggerate, "Can you please get me some arrows?" He nods, rushing off into the armoury, returning shortly with a quiver full. 

"Here Hailey." Eomer hands me the quiver, "Do need help getting back." 

I shake my head, "I'll be okay." I smile, walking out of the armoury, "Thank you," I call over my shoulder. I liked using my crippled state to get me small advantages like that...

"Hailey?" I hear Merry's voice call. I turn, seeing the little hobbit standing on a large rock.

"Hello Merry," I say cheerfully. "You're coming with us to Gondor, I presume." 

The hobbit nods, "Aye. What happened to you?" He asks, hopping of the rock. "I heard you... passed out or something."

I nod, "I didn't have enough water, so my body sorta... stopped working." His eyes widen with a mix of surprise and fear, "I'm alright though." I say quickly, "All I needed was something to drink."

His face relaxes into a smile, "You had us all worried." He mutters, "We thought you had gotten killed or something."

My eyebrows raise in surprise, "Really?" I laugh, "I apologize for that, Merry."

He smiles, "It's alright. Well," He shrugs, "Maybe not for Legolas." We both laugh at that. "Anyway," Merry chuckles, "I should probably get ready. My sword is a little dull, and I haven't packed anything yet." 

I smile and nod, "Very well, Master Meriadoc. May our paths cross again." 

The hobbit laughs, "Hopefully." He gives me a wave as he walks down to the armoury. I smile, turning back towards Meduseld. I see Legolas looking at me from the top of the stairs, his arms crossed.

"I thought you were getting ready." He says when I finally get up the stairs.

"I was." I retort, "I needed arrows." 

"I could have gotten them for you."

"I know." I look up at him, "I'm not totally helpless though." 

He takes my hands in his, "Do I worry to much?" He asks softly. 

"You worry about me to much." I smile at him, "I promise I won't go get myself killed or something." He looks at me, his mouth drawn into a hard line.

"Not funny Hailey." He says stiffly.

I hug him, "Sorry, Legolas. You need to stop worrying though." He nods, and I let go of him, "Now, I really am going into my room to finish packing, okay?" He smiles and shakes his head. 

"Promise?" I nod my head, and he smiles. "Good." He kisses the top of my head before walking back into Meduseld. I follow him, and head straight to my room. I find Eowyn in there, folding some clothes.

She turns around, and sees me, "Hailey." She smiles, "Theoden wants me to gives these to you." She gestures to the clothes, "You've ruined most of yours. Don't worry, there aren't any dresses." 

I laugh, "Thank you, Eowyn." She nods her head. 

"Do you need anything?" She asks me, putting a hand on my shoulder, "I heard what happened." 

I chuckle, "Some food would be nice, but if you have to do something, don't worry 'bout it." I pause. "Other than that, I'll be alright." 

She laughs, "I can get you something. And water, so you don't pass out again." She laughs again before leaving me alone. 

I take a deep breath, enjoying the silence. I look at the clothes on my bed. I the dark blue outfit to change into. The clean fabric feels nice. I smile, putting the rest into my pack. I braid my hair into two long pigtails that extended several inches past my shoulders. I'm glad that they remember I wasn't a fan of dresses...

"Wow." I whirl around to see Aragorn standing in the doorway, "That looks good on you." He remarks. 

"Thanks." I smile, "Is something wrong?" 

He shakes his head, "Not really. I just wanted to make sure you were doing alright. I figured Legolas is getting a little annoying?" I nod my head, and the ranger laughs, "I can't even imagine how bad he could be." 

"It's pretty annoying, if I do say so myself." 

"At least he has good intentions. Anyway..." he clears his throat. "Do you need any help?" 

I sigh, "No thanks. You are probably the tenth person to ask me." He gives me a shocked look. "Okay, more like fourth or fifth. Legolas asking only counts as once." He laughs. 

"Escuse me." Eowyns small voice says. Aragorn turns around, before stepping out of her way. 

"Do forgive me, Eowyn." He says kindly. 

"It's allright, Aragorn." She mutters, handing me some food. Aragorn takes a slice of bread, but Eowyn hits him gently, "Hey! Get your own, you ranger." She says sternly, "That is for those who passed out earlier." 

He sighs loudly and I laugh, "It's alright, Aragorn." I assure him. He smiles taking a bite of the bread before leaving. 

Eowyn sighs, "He can be such a pain sometimes." I laugh

Nodding my head, I agree with her, "Aye. But you haven't been travelling with him for months on end." 

I think I hear her mumble something like, "I wish." But I don't press the matter. "I'm sure you're used to it then?" She asks a little louder.

"Aye." I say, "We all are. The fellowship is more like family to me than anything else." 

"What about Legolas?" She asks carefully.

"Now that....." I say slowly, "Is a good question." I didn't know what was happening there. And I don't know if I wanted to.

Thanks for reading ch 34!!!!!!!!!! I promise there will be a lot more action next chapter, so thanks for reading this filler!!! ~triforce11

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