Chapter 41: Unwanted, But Needed Attention

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I curse under my breath, as Legolas takes a step closer to me. "Are you sure that will work?" He asks Aragorn quietly. I hated the sound of fear and despair mixed into his voice. 

"Yes." Aragorn, on the other hand, sounds only of confidence. "Sauron knows that we will not be broken so easily. His eye will be transfixed onto us, not other parts of Mordor." He looks at me, then back to Legolas, "Fear not, my friends. We will prevail. Trust Frodo and Sam." 

"It's not the battle I'm worried about," I groan, sadness exploding inside of me. If I were a coke bottle, it would have been like some poured like, ten packs of Mentos into me. Weird analogy, I know, but it works. "I'm worried for what happens afterward. When Middle Earth is saved." I put a hand onto my forehead, "I know it sounds selfish, and it is, but I'm worried what will happen to me when this is all over."

Gimli looks at me, concerned. "It'll be alright, lassie. We'll be with you till the end of it, no matter what happens."

I feel a sudden wave of anger grow inside of me, like a tsunami hitting land, "That's not what I'm getting at, Gimli." I spit, taking a step back, "How can you be there for me if I'm not in Middle Earth?" I'm trying not to shout, but I hear my voice slowly rising. "How can you be there for me if I go home? What if I'm magically transported back to my world? How can you be there for me then?" I feel tears well up in my eyes, frustration building inside of me. 

"Hailey, please." Legolas's voice is quiet. "Don't be like this. It doesn't help anybody, you know that." 

I smack his hand as he tries to place it on my shoulder. "Honesty isn't helping anybody, Legolas?" My voice chokes, "All I am doing is being honest." I turn, running out of the House of Healing, sobbing. 

It is the hardest thing for me to do, to run away from him and ignore Legolas's call when he shout's my name. I keep running because I have to, or I'll explode. I don't want to hurt the people that would be in the blast zone. I don't want to hurt the people who I consider my closest friends. My vision is blurry, causing me to trip on the chunks of stone that littered the pathway. 

Making my way up to the top of the main wall, I sit down and let the tears cascade down my face. I feel rain start to slowly fall from the sky, but I don't care. The rain felt nice on my face, fresh and cold. 

Placing my head in my hands, I let out a loud sob. The noise it made was horrid, like the feelings inside of me. I soon run out of tears, and stare out into the battlefield. The blackness of Mordor was in the distance, their black mountains staring at me like I was the bad one, not what was behind them. 

My hair, my everything, was dripping wet by the time I felt calm and undercontrol. I gently unknot my hair out of the messy braid it was in, and is cascades down in wavey strands. I was a little hurt that Legolas didn't look for me, but who could blame him? If I were in his place, I wouldn't want to find this, this blob of emotions. Not after the way I snapped. 

I look up to the sky, closing my eyes as the rain poors onto my face. Somehow, I find a laugh inside of myself, and release it. It was nice, laughing in the midst of this darkness. It made me want to sit here, in the rain, forever. Alone, in peace. 

I sigh loudly, opening my eyes and staring up into the sky. I hear someone, I'm presuming Legolas, walk over and sit down next to me. We sit in silence for a long time, staring out into the field. The only thing that I could think about was the black, evil energy radiating from Mordor. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" Legolas's voice is gentle, but I could tell he was mad.

"Not really." I whisper. I hear him sigh, wrapping an arm around me. I gratefully lean into him. We had been sitting out here for a few minutes, but he was already soaked to the bone from the massive amounts of deluge. 

"Can you at least tell me what happened?" He sounds so desprate, so hurt, that each word breaks a little part inside of me. 

I'm quiet for a moment, needing to think about my answer. "I just snapped." I say slowly, my voice shaking. "All the frustration, all the anger, all the everything from the past few days just." I needed to pause, feeling my throat choke up, "Just unleashed itself in the form of anger. Hideous, hideous anger."  I feel a tear run down my face, and then Legolas's cool hand gently wipe it off. 

"It wasn't hideous, Hailey. It was different. Different is not hideous." He pulls his arm back, taking my hand. He interlaces his fingers with mine, and all I can do is stare at our hands.

We sit there in silence for what felt like forever and, eventually, the rain started to dissapate. The sun starts to shine through the clouds, and I see a rainbow, bringing happiness and memories into me. 

"Legolas," I use my free hand to point it out. "Do you see the rainbow? The-" I mentally say ROYGBIV in my mind, "seven colors in the sky?" 

"Yes!" Legolas grins at me, "Here, it is a sign of good luck." He stares at the shimmering colors for a while, before turning towards me, "Lle naa vanima, Lle naa curucuar, Lle naa belegohtar, Hailey." [You are beautiful, you are a strong warrior, you are a skillful bowsman, Hailey]

I laugh, "Thank you, Legolas. Cormlle naa tanya tel'raa." I smile, "Oio naa elealla alasse." [Your heart is that of a lion, Ever is your sight a joy]

Legolas looks at me, "Hailey." He smiles, "I love you." 

"I know." I whisper for the second time that day. 

He stands up, pulling me up with him. Together, but in silence, we walk into Minas Tirith. To where, I had no idea.

Thanks for reading this depressing(ish) chapter!! I hope you all like it! I'm not stopping you from voting, commenting or following, so do so if you wish! Sorry, it was a little shorter than I had intended. I greatly appreciate every read, vote or comment, so thank you all!! Sequel is currently being planned, so stay in tuned for that! ~triforce11

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