Chapter 28: To Isengard

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"Well, what are we waitin' for? Those hobbits are only gettin' older." Gimli says, slamming the bottom of his axe on the ground. 

"I'll go get Hasufel ready," I say, grateful to get out of that hall, and away from Legolas. I run over to the stables, a feeling of happiness coming over me when I see Hasufel. "Hello, good friend. I'm sorry I haven't been here lately, I was at war." I chuckle to myself as I grab him some hay. I say it like it was no big deal, but it was huge.

"Hailey." I almost  groan out loud. Legolas, "I'm sorry to bother you, but Aragorn is taking Gimli on his horse, since we are with out one-"

"What happened to Arod?" I ask as I give Hasufel water.

"He was injured during the battle with the wargs. I rode him to Helms Deep, yes, but that put too much strain on him. He is currently at Helms Deep, in what state is beyond my knowedge." He looks at me sadly, "He was a good horse."  

I turn and face Hasufel, and think about it. "I don't really have a choice, do I?" I say, stroking my horse's soft head. "Unless you can run as fast as a horses gallop for several hours." I look at Legolas, and he smiles.

"Thank you Hailey." I nod, and start to brush Hasufel. 

To my relief, I hear the stable door close as Legolas exits. "Oh, Hasufel." I sigh, "Why? Why does it have to be me?" 

"What if it wasn't you?" I turn, and to my surprise I see Eowyn brushing Brego, Aragorns horse. 


She smiles sadly, "What if he didn't like you, and somebody else?" How would you feel then?" 

I shrug. I hadn't really thought about it. "It.... be different. But we could be friends, not this awkward whateverweare." All she does for a response is nod. 

I cough, trying to break the awkward silence that had grown between us, "Well, I should go get ready to leave." 

"What?" She asks, as she stops brushing Brego, "Where are you going?"

"The fellowship, Eomer, and Theoden are going to Isengard to retrieve Merry and Pippen. Being part of the fellowship, I am also going." She nods, and I give her a small smile before leaving. 

I am pushing open the door, when I turn back to do something I've never done to one I considered an enemy. "Eowyn." I say, not looking at her, "Sorry. For what I did.... at Helms Deep." I don't hear her response, leaving right after the words leave my mouth. 

When I enter Meduseld, it is as if they had been waiting for me. I mumble a quick sorry, before sitting down. "Why are you apologizing?" Aragorn asks, an amused look on his face. "We weren't waiting for you, you have my word." 

"I, um, felt like I was interuptting something... important." I studder.

"Lass," Gimli mutters under his breath, "Become a better liar. It'll help ya." I look at him, my eyes widening a little. Aragorn laughs.

"We will leave under the cover of darkness." Gandalf says. "Only then, will we journey towards Isengard."  

                                                                * * * * *

"We will know journey to Isengard." King Theoden says simply. "Eowyn, you will watch over the land in our stead." She bows in response. "Well then. Now is our time. Let us go swiftly to Isengard." 

We haven't been travelling for long, when I notice that Legolas has become weary of something. 

"What is it?" I ask slowly. "Are we in any danger?"

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