Chapter 17: Leaving Lorien

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When I woke up, the sun was shining into our sleeping area. I get up, smiling sadly as I remember home. I look around, and see that it is only the Frodo and Sam still asleep. I blush, how long has everybody been up? I try to stop worrying as I get up, stepping out into the warmth of sunlight. I see Merry and Pippen sitting, quietly talking to Gimli, who was standing in front of them with his arms crossed. 

I walk, careful of my leg, which to my surprise, was only a little sore compared to it's throbbing yesterday. I walk up to them, and Gimli turns around, "Good Morning, Lass. I hope ya slept yell?" 

Merry snorted, "I'd be surpirsed if she did, with your snoring'."

Pippen nods in agreement. "I imagine that it was close to the sound of one of them oliphants that we've heard in those tales from Sam's gaffer. Your thoughts, Merry?"

Merry slowly nods, "Aye, I imagine you're right on that, Pip."

"Now see hear ya little rascals!! I do not, by all means, sound like an oliphant!!" Gimli says, outraged.

Aragorn, Legolas, and Boromir walk over, seeing what the comotion was all about. "What does Gimli sound like," Boromir asks.

"His snoring, is what Pippen and I would compare to an oliphant. Your thoughts?" Merry asks

Legolas laughs, and agrees, "That is exactly how I would put it, Master Meridoc." 

"How about ya come and tell that to my face, ya elvish princling!" Gimli puts up his fists as Frodo stumbles out of the tree. I try to quiet my laughter, not wanting to disturb Sam.

He walks over to us, still trying to look awake, "Aragorn, when will we depart?" 

Aragorn turns, "Goodmorning Frodo." He thinks about it, "I think we will be departing at noon, Master Baggins."

As if on cue, Haldir walks over to our fellowship, "Lady Galadriel would like to see your fellowship. She has some gifts each of you." He looks at Gimli, "Including you, master dwarf." 

Frodo disappears back into the tree. He comes back out, shortly followed by Sam, "Aye, ya should have woken me up sooner, Mr. Frodo." 

I smile at the hobbit, "We had an," I glance at Haldir, "unexpected meeting sort of thing to go to." I say carefully, not wanting to offend the elf captain. 

"We shall leave now, if the fellowship is ready." Halidr says, shooting me a look of.... something.

"We are. Thank you for everything, Haldir." Aragorns follows him, as does the rest of our fellowship.

He leads us through Lorien, and to a river. We line up, shoulder to shoulder, in front the Lady Galadriel. She smiles at us, "You are leaving the safey of our lands, you have safe travels." She walks to Legolas, "For you, Legoals Greenleaf, I give you the bow that Galadhrim, worthy of your and your peoples skill." She moves to Aragorn, smiling. "For you, Aragorn, son of Arathorn, there is no greater gift that I can give you, for what Arwen Evenstar has bestowed upon you...: Aragorn nods, and she pulls out two daggers, "For you, Merry and Pippen, I present you these two daggers, along with their belts. Use them wisely. And for you, Samwise Gamgee, lover of plants, I give to you a small gift." She hands him a coil of rope, "May it become of good use to you."

Sam swallows, "Uh... you don't happen to have one of them nice, shiny daggers, do you, my lady?"

Galadriel smiles, and turns to Boromir, handing him a golden weapons belt. "May it serve you well, Captian of Gondor. And to you, Frodo Baggins, I give you the light of Eärendil's star, set amid the waters of my fountain. It will shine still brighter when night is about you. May it be a light to you in dark places, when all other lights go out." Next she turns to me, "For you there is only one gift I can give you," She hands me a necklace, with a purple stone shining from inside a talons claw. 

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