Chapter 33: Gondor's Call

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~Hailey's POV~

I look out the gate, watching Shadwfax's white figure gallop away, carry Gandalf and Pippin on his elagant back. I let out a heavy breath, watching my friends start their journey towards Minas Tirith. I hear the footsteps of Legolas come up from behind me.

He strides up besides me, looking out into the distance. "Will we ever see them again?" I ask. I'm shocked by my lack of emotion when I said it. 

"I do believe so." Legolas says, looking down at me with a smile, "I, for one, will not lose hope. You, on the other hand, may think what you want."

I look up at his tall figure. "I don't know if I should have hope, or not...." I say slowky, each word coming out slowly. 

The elf chuckles, "You will figure out where your heart lies. I'm sure of it." I wonder if that has more than one meaning, but am afraid to ask.

"Hopefully." I say, watching Aragorn come into view, shortly followed by Merry. I smile again, and walk towards them. "How are you?" I ask Merry.

His face falls, "I... I'm...." he thinks for a minute, then shakes his head. "I'm doing okay. I think...." The little hobbit looks around, "It is peacful without Pippin here, though." 

"Aye. That's very true laddie." Gimli says, coming out of Meduseld. "Very peaceful indeed." I laugh at the thoughtfulness in Gimli's voice. 

"Now what do we do?" I ask. "We can't stay here forever." Legolas, of course, shakes his head in agreement.

"That is the question isn't it..." Aragorn mumbles, as if he was talking to himself, "It all depends on what Theoden will do." He shrugs, "Until then, we wait for a sign from Gondor."

"Great plan..." I mutter under my breath. Legolas laughs, and I ignore him. "Soo, what do we do while we are waiting?"

"Nothing." A voice comes from behind the fellowship.

I see Aragorn smile. "Theoden." He bows to the King, and the rest of us copy his actions. 

"Bow not to me, my friends." The King smiles, "I have decided that, if Gondor calls for it, Rohan will aid them. I did not believe that some of your fellowship would go towards the battle, instead of away from it."

I take offense by his last comment. "We are not cowards, Theoden." I spit, "We are here to help Middle Earth. That means fighting when we need to fight, not running like a scared mouse." 

"Hailey...." Legolas starts.

"I meant not to offend you, Hailey." Theoden holds my icy gaze. "I apologize for the miscommunication." I snort, and walk towards the stables. I need to get out.

"Hailey?" Merry's voice calls after me.

"I'll be back." 

"Hailey!" This time it is Legolas. He grabs my shoulders, yanking me back. "You cannot go out by yourself." 

I forcefully pull out of his grip, "I'll be fine." I hiss, "If I die, then I die. That's life." I take a step back, glaring at the elf, "I'm not a child." I turn, briskly walking to where Hasufel was. 

When I enter the stables, the only other person was a stable boy who was feeding Brego. Without a word, I open Hasufel's stall, putting reigns and a saddle on him. 

I feel more free than I have in a long time as I gallop out of the small town, and into open land. Hasufel neighs, and I can imagine why. He's been cooped up in that stable for at least two days. We gallop, not stopping until Meduseld is out of sight. We enter Fangorn as I suddenly see spots in my vision. The sun was shining, and I was feeling it's effects. 

I hop off of Hasufel, my head spinning. "Hasufel...." I lean against my horse, hoping he doesn't decide to move. I would fall over if he did. What is happening?  I blink, my head throbbing. Water.... I need water. I think I'm dehydrated, since I can't remember the last time I had a drink of water. 

I try to rummage through the small saddle bag that I had brought, praying for a water satchel. I see more spots, and I give up on the water. I need to sit down. With my arms out for balance, I sit down with my back against  a tree. I close my eyes, passing out intantly. 

                                                * * * * * * *

"Hailey!" It is dark when I'm shaken awake by someone. "Hailey, are you okay?"  I'm okay, I really am. "Oh god, Hailey what did you do?" What do you mean? I said I'm okay. "We need to get you back it Meduseld. Hang in there, please be okay."  Why are we going back? I've only been here for a few minutes. I'm really alright... Hey! Put me down!! Hey!!

The person ignored my pleas, putting me onto Hasufel. Can't they hear me? I feel a strong arm wrap around me, and we gallop away. 

                                              * * * * * * *

My eyes slowly open, light flooding into my vision, making me squint. My head throbs, but not as badly as it did before. Someone is sitting on the edge of the bed where I was laying. They were holding my hand.

"Hailey?" Legolas's voice enters my mind. "Hailey, please." 

I scrunch my face up, trying to speak. "What...... happened?" I ask. Each word drained energy from me, stabbing my skull in the process. It hurt so much.

"I don't know." He says quietly. "You... left and hadn't come back for hours. I went out searching for you when it started to get dark. I saw Hasufel in Fangorn, so I immediatly ran over to him. You..." he pauses, squeezing my hand. Like he needed to know I was still here. "you were passed out on the ground, your face a ghastly white." I slowly open my eyes, looking into his scared brown ones.

"I... I think I was dehydrated." I manage to say. 

"You were.... what?" Oh. He didn't know what that meant, did he?

"I needed water. I hadn't had any water in so long, my body wasn't functioning right." His eyes widen with fear. "I think I'm okay now!" I raise my voice to make sure he hears me, "Please, don't worry." 

His face softens, "How could I not worry?" I try to laugh, but it sounds like some dying animal. He looks at me concerned, placing his other hand on my shoulder, "Are you alright?" 

I nod, coughing some more. Aragorn bursts into the room. "Gondor!" he cries, "Gondor has called for aid!" Legolas sighs, helping my sit up. Aragorn seems to notice me for the first time. "Hailey." He says, stunned. "How are you feeling?"

I give him a thumbs up. Wait.... "Fine... I think." I was feeling better than what I had been feeling, but I wasn't.... well yet. "But I can travel! I promise." I wasn't about to be left behind in this.

Legolas turns and looks at me, "Are you sure?" His soft voice was full of concern, of course. 

I nod my head, "Yes. And, even if you did leave me behind, I would follow you. Or disguise myself again." I laugh. I was Middle Earth's Mulan. 

"No thank you." Legolas says, "If you're coming, I want to know who, and where, you are." 

"Then it is decided?" Aragorn asks. I nod my head. "Then get ready to leave. We are departing at dawn."

Hey you all! Thanks for reading, and please comment your thoughts. I hope you liked that little dramatic even I added, I hope it worked. I love you all so much, and greatly appreciate my faithful readers!!~triforce11

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