Chapter 7: The Journey begins

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"Rivendell? Thats where the elves are! Mr. Frodo, we are going to see the elves!" Sam was bubbling over with excitement. 

"Let's go under the cover of the forest. It is a quicker path to Rivendell" Strider says suddenly.

Pippen cheerfully objects, "I'm done with 'short cuts'. The last one we took, almost ended with disaterous concequences."

"Well, I wasn't with you, was I Master Took? I swear, this short cut will end with a more favorable outcome." Strider said with a hint of amusment.

I was barely aware of their conversation, I was to concentrating on my situation. There are elves in this world too? Where am I? Why aren't I waking up? Whats happened to Skye, does he know if I'm okay? My thoughts got me so frustrated that it causes me to yell them away. Out loud.

Strider whirls around, sword in hand. "Whats wrong!? Hailey, what happened?" I shake my head, letting him know that I'm okay. His looks softens from panic to sympathy, and calls to me, "Why don't you walk up here for a bit." He shows me a symathetic smile as I catch up to him. When he talks to me, his voice is low, "What happend?" 

I look at him, shocked someone so tough looking cares about my problems. "I uh..." It takes me a moment to gather my thoughts. "I'm not from this world, I think. I was hit by a car, a huge hunk a metal that moves really fast, and I woke up here. I-" I try to choke back my incoming tears, "I was thinking about whats happened to me, and about my brother. My father will...might kill him, quite literally, if he finds out that I'm missing." I have to stop talking. It feels like a fist was in my throat, and that my heart has been stabbed by a sword. I take a deep breath, and look at Striders face, blurred by my tears, "Whats happened to me Strider? At first, I thought I was dreaming, and that I was really just passed out in the emergency room. But now, I don't think I am."

Aragorn looks forward, a hard and confused look on his face. "Hailey, I don't know whats happened to you, but if it is your wish, I will do my best to find you a way home. But first-"

Strider was interupted by Pippen, "Strider, Hailey when are we having breakfast?"

I almost laugh at Aragorns perplexed face, "We've already had it..."

"We've had one yes, but what about second breakfast?" 

Strider shakes his head, and continues walking. I walk over to where Merry and Pippen are standing, next to the pony we pick up in Bree durning our depart, Bill. 

"I don't think that he's heard about second breakfast, Pip." Merry looks at Striders back, as he walks away. 

Pippen seemed to panic, "What about elevenses... tea time? Lunch, afternoon tea? Dinner, Supper? Does he know about those, Merry?"

Merry thinks, then turns to Pippen. "I wouldn't count on it Pip."

I laugh, and run to catch up with the other four travellers. I see Strider pull two apples out of his pack, and he throws him back to Merry and Pippen. He sees me watching him and shrugs, "I can't let them starve, can I?" I laugh, feeling happier than I've felt in a long time.

We walked until night fall, with only a couple breaks for water. Strider was worried about having the Wraiths catching up to us. He told us that we were about a fortnights (14 days, I found out)  journey, and that we wouldn't be safe from the Wraiths until we were in Rivendell. 

When we come out of the forest, I see an reminants of an old stone... something. 
"That was once the great watch tower of Amon Sul, or Weathertop as it's more commonly called. That is were we will be staying." Strider walks up from behind me, startling me. He chuckles, and puts a hand on my shoulder, "A little jumpy, are we?" 

I slap his arm, as Sam speaks up for the first time that day. "I wouldn't blame her, that place is the most cheerless and uninviting place, if I've ever seen one." 

Strider looks at Sam, amusment glinting in his eyes. "Well, Master Gamgee, since we will be staying here for tonight, it better start looking welcoming." He walks away from us, and towards Weathertop. I follow him, with out haste. 

When we reach the top, Strider pulls out four daggars. "These are for you, young hobbits. Pray you don't do anything stupid." He pulls out a short sword, and hands it to me."I'm going to scout the area for firewood. Hailey, stay and make sure that don't do anything outrageous." 

I was about to protest, but when I look back, Strider is already heading back down the tower. I unpack my new sleeping mat, and tell them I am going to sleep. 

* * * 

I woke up to a light, and to sound of murmering voices. 

"Hailey, Mr. Frodo! Glad you're up!" Sam says cheerfully by the fire they started. Wait.. fire... at night.

"What are you  doing! Put it out you fools!!" Frodo frantically starts stomping on the fire, trying to put it out.

Merry seems confused by our panic, "We were just cooking some tomatoes, and nice crispy bacon. We save you two some! Calm down mate!" 

After the fire is stamped out by Frodo, I look over the edge of our little hiding spot. All I see before yelling at the hobbits to run, are the five dark figures that had been persueing us. The Wraiths were here. 


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