Chapter 35: The Journey Begins

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We get ready for Gondor just as the sun started to go down. By the orders of King Theoden, we were supposed to leave under the cover of darkness. I walk down to Hasufel, still stiff from earlier, the pain a little more bearable. 

When I enter the stables, I feel dread fill into my soul. Legolas was petting... Arod? "When did he come back?" I ask, approaching him slowly. He turns, suddenly aware of my presence.

The elf's look of shock slowly melts into a smile. "He came in late last night, while you were unconcious. He will be accompanying us to Gondor." I nod, walking over to Hasufel, whose stable was down a ways from Arods. 

Having nothing to say, I stay quiet as I give Hasufel food and fresh water. It is when I start to brush my horse when Legolas walks over to me. 

"Are you sure about this?" Legolas murmurs, leaning against the stable. "Coming to Gondor, I mean." 

I nod my head, "Of course, Legolas. I thought that you had agreed to this." 

"And I have, I did. It's just." He sighs, looking at me, "Are you sure that you want to go. You make it sound like you have to go because you're part of the fellowship." He gives me a small smile. "I have the feeling that you feel forced to go." 

I shake my head, walking towards him, "No, Legolas." I laugh quietly, "I know I don't have to go. I know that I can leave at anytime, and that I'm not forced to go farther than I want to." I look down at my feet, "It's just that  I'd have nowhere to go."

"What do you mean?" Legolas's voice is quiet.

"I'm an outsider, remember? I don't have a place to call my own. I don't have family to go back to, not in this world." I turn my gaze back to Legolas's brown eyes, which were looking at me sadly. "The Fellowship is all I have." 

He hugs me from across the gate that was seperating us. "The fellowship is all you need." He says into my hair. We stand there for a long time, saying nothing. 

After a few minutes, Hasufel gets impatient about something. He neighs loudly, and Legolas lets go of me. Laughing, I grab the brush and start to brush the horses hair. Legolas doesn't move. He just stands there, watching me. I have to admit, I was glad when Aragorn pushed the stable door open.

"You two ready to leave?" He asks as he walks towards us. 

I nod, "I'm just getting Hasufel fed and happy for when we leave."

Aragorn laughs, and Legolas gives his own answer. "As am I. Arod is still recovering, but he can make the journey." He looks at me, smiling. "I'm just waiting for the brush. The others have seemed to gone missing." 

I give him a shocked look, "You didn't tell me that!" I throw him the brush as Aragorn starts to laugh, "Take the brush you stupid... elf!" I stomp out of the stables, slamming the door as I go outside. 

"What happened lass?" Gimli is walking towards the armoury as I had left in my burst of annoyance. "Was the elf?" 

So nosey. "Yes, it was that stupid elf." I huff, crossing my arms, "He is so annoying sometimes, I can't even stand it." I see Eowyn looking out into the town from Meduseld. My chance of escape has come! "I have to go talk to Eowyn." I say hurriedly, dashing away from the dwarf. I glance behind me, and he stands there, dumbfounded. Chuckling, I walk up the stairs. 

"Hailey." Eowyn greets me, "How are you? Ready to travel, I hope." She beams at me, and I can tell she's excited. 

I shake my head, "Of course." I laugh, "I'm pumped, er. Excited. I'm really excited." 

She nods her head, her blonde hair blowing in the wind. "Glad to here it. I'm hoping to actually fight as well." She looks around, to see if anybody could have heard us. "Don't tell anyone, please."

I nod, "I understand you, my friend." Shrugging, I continue. "I did at Helms Deep." 

She laughs loudly, "I heard about that." She grins, "I also heard that Legolas wasn't to happy." 

"What??" I scoff, "He wasn't mad. He was frustrated. Frustrated, not mad."

"You two are so... annoying." She sighs as Theoden walks out of the Golden Hall.

"You two ladies ready to leave?" He asks us. When we both nod, he smiles. "Good. We are leaving soon." 

"I'll go get Hasufel out.." I say, bowing to the King. He bows his head in response as I run back down the stairs.

I almost crash into Legolas as I go into the stable. Before I fall backwards, he grabs my arm and pulls me back up right. 

"Thanks." I say quietly, feeling a little guilty for running into him. 

He smiles, kissing me. "You're very welcome, Hailey." Heat floods into my cheeks, turning them a tomato red, as I push past him and towards my horse. 

I grab Hasufel's saddle and halter off of the shelf, and strap them onto my horse. He neighs as I lead him out of the stables. I see Legolas coming down the stairs holding... my packs.

I try not to groan as he jogs over to me. "I thought you would need these," He hands me my pack, smiling. 

"Aye." I said, agitated. "I was going to get them." 

The elf shrugs. "What's the point of that? You plan to walk up ad down those stairs all day?" I nod my head sarcastically. "Sure you were..." He shakes his head, "Stop lying." 

I turn around without another word, strapping my bags onto Hasufel. Thankfully, he seems to get the hint and walks away, leaving me alone.

I get on Hasufel a few minutes later, as the other soldiers were mounting their own horses. "We ride to Gondor." Theoden's voice echoes throughout the town. "May we return safely, with our enemy destroyed." The soldiers all yell in agreement.

"Hailey?" Merry's small voice could barely be heard through the crowd's cheereing. "Is Hasufel capable of carrying two people?" I nod my head, extending my hand to help the hobbit up. 

"How are you?" I ask him after he sits down behind me. "After Pippin left, you've seemed... different."

"Aye, I am. I'm doing alright, I think." He shrugs. "Just lonely." I nod my head, and we start to trot out of the city. I see Aragorn on Brego, talking to Legolas and Gimli. They were both riding Arod, that poor horse. Gimli wasn't exactly... light. 

"You ready for the journey, Merry?" I hear Eowyns voice from behind us. 

"Aye. Never more ready for anything in my life." He replies. "I mostly want to see Pippin again. But, being on the brink of war is exciting."

"That may be," I replied grimly, "But being in a war is terrible. Best be on your toes when the time to fight approaches." 

Hey, thanks for reading my next chapter!! War is almost upon us, but first there is going to be an awesome journey!!!!!!! Please, keep reading!! ~triforce11

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