Chapter 30: Isengard

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~Still Merry's POV~

"The last march of the ents?" Hailey echos. I nod my head.


We march into Isengard, the trees and ents roaring in anger. Pippin and I are throwing rocks at the orcs.

When Pippin hits one in the head, Treebeard says, "A fine hit, Master Perigrin." He nods his head, as I hit another. Around us, there are trees crushing, throwing, and/or kicking all the orcs around them. I see a few push down these wooden things, where orcs were screaming and running around. I laughed, throwing another rock. I watch as two of the orcs try to fight back by lighting one of the trees ine fire. I hurl another rock, taking one of them out as the tree screams in agony. 

"Release the river!" Treebeard yells, and two of the Ents run towards the dam, pulling apart with their bare arms. Or... limbs more like it. 

Water roars from where it had been contained, and Treebeard yells for us to hold on. I see the burning tree run into the flood of water. If there were any orcs left, they were surely swept away in the flood. 

"Victory is ours!" Pippin cries, and I laugh. 

Treebeard nods, "Isengard has a new master now." He sets us on the ground and walks away.

"He doesn't look very happy up there, does he?" I say, gesturing to Saruman.

"Not to happy at all, Merry." Pippin agrees. 

"Still," I shrug, "I suppose he does get a nice view from up there." 

Pippun nods matter of factly, "Oh, yes. It is a very nice establishment. I've heard the staff are very good." I laugh, and Pippin gives me a confused look, "What?"

I shake my head. "Nothing. Nothing other than the world is closer to normal."

"No. It's not." Pippin says it so seriously, I began to worry. "I'm starving Merry!"

I laugh again, but twice as loud. "Oh, Pippin. Good luck trying to find something decent around here." I pick up a basket that was floating in the water, "Probably only dead rats and moldy bread."

I keep looking around, and when I look up again, Pippen is holding a apple. "Now where did you get that?" I say, wading over to him. Walking was a struggle, since it was waist-deep on us. I see more apples floating around, and I grab some.

"Sarumans storage room!" Pippin laughs as he grabs a waterlogged roast chicken. 

"Ha! Good job, Pippin!" I say, filling a nearby basket with any food that happened to be floating by. We wade thru the water, and into the storage room. It is filled with water and food.

"Merry, look." I look to where Pippin was pointing, disbelief flooding my mind. "Is that what I think it is, Merry?"

"It can't be..." I am shaking my head as I stare at the two barrels. 

"It is!" Pippin says, grabbing one of the barrels and opening it, "Longbottom leaf!"

"The finest pipe-weed in the South Farthing." I say, grabbing the last barrel for myself. 

"Should we share with Treebeard?" Pippin asks. He was always worried about stuff like that. 

I shake my head. "He might take offense.... it being dead plant and all. Could be a distance relative."

Pippin nods his head, and taps his nose, "I get it. Let's not be hasty." I nod, and we both laugh. 

(back to present)

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