Chapter 32: The Palantir

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"Then don't lose hope, mellon." Legolas's smooth voice came up from behind me.

"Apologies, my friend." Aragorn smiles. He walks over to Legolas, muttering something to him. Legolas gives the ranger a weird look, and he laughs, patting Legolas on his shoulder.

"What did he say?" I ask once Aragorn had left. 

Legolas looks down at me, smiling. "If he wanted you to hear, he would of told you." I look innocently up at the elf, and he laughs. "You'll get nowhere with that look." He says, trying to keep a straight face.

I sigh, "You mustn't like me anymore," My shoulders slump as I start to walk away. 

"Hailey, wait!" Legolas says, grabbing my shoulder, "Hailey, I'm sorry. I.... still do." He swallows uncomfortably, "I still like you, I mean." 

I turn around, smiling. "I knew it." I cross my arms giving him a 'angry' look. "You jerk."

His eyes widen slightly, "You...." He shakes his head, "You sly fox." I smile, and start to walk away. 

"Hey." Legolas grabs my shoulders, pulling me back, "What about you?" He smiles slightly, "Do you... you know."

I look at him, surprised. "Do I?" Then it hits me, "Oh. Ummm..... I don't know." I look at him, "I'm still figuring that part out. So, don't presume anything, elfy." I look out the gate. It was pitch black. "I'm goin' to go to sleep now. Goodnight."

He gives me a small smile, taking my hand"Goodnight." He kisses the back of my hand, then leaned in and kissining my lips. 

I, reluctantly, pull back. I clear my throat, lookig down. "I don't think that is something that friends do, Legolas."

He shrugs, "I'm sorry. You're just to... perfect. Goodnight."

I turn and briskly walk to where I was staying. The moment I hit my sleeping mat, I fall asleep. 

                                                * * * * * *

When I walk into the main hall, still trying to wake up, I see Aragorn sitting next to... a couch. I keep walking, and see Eowyn laying on the couch, looking as pale as a ghost. Aragorn sees me, and smiles slightly. I slip past them as quietly as I can, wanting to go outside. I could use some fresh air.

When I push open the door, I look out into the land of Rohan. It looks so peaceful...

"What are you doing up?" Legolas says. I turn, and see him looking over the sides of the stone wall. He turns around, smiling. 

I hold his gaze, only I'm not smiling. "I wanted fresh air. And I 'm going to go check on Hasufel. Why does it matter to you?"

He walks over to me, "I think you can answer that question Hailey." He is inches away from me, "And if you can't, I'll answer it for you." He wraps me into a warm hug. "I'm worried about you. I mean," he looks down at me, "You're actually looking awake this early in the morning." I step back, out of his arms.

"Excuse me?" I say, laughing. All he does is smile, and shrug. I slap his arm before running down towards the stables. I hear the main door open, and I'm guessing Aragorn walks out. 

I see Hasufel, and laugh. "Hello, my friend." I hug his strong, soft neck, breathing in his horsey smell. I didn't know how much Hasufel had meant to me. I mean, he's a horse. At home, I probably wouldn't have cared much about him. 

Home.... that is something I haven't thought about in a while. I get Hasufel some hay and water, and brush his grey hair. He neighs happily, making me smile. 

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