Chapter 1

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The water tinted red. As it spread around the ends faded to a delicate pink. Tiny bubbles fizzled from the swift movements of the struggle.

It was over before the bubbles had vanished.

I scowled looking down at my pale hands.

The hands of a killer.

I sighed clenching them into fists.

"Oi, Victor. Are you ready to go or what?" Yurio's sharp tongue broke through my self loathing.

I slumped a moment before tossing my long silver locks over my shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah." I rolled my eyes at the smaller blond. His hair unlike mine was shorter, and pointed in toward his chin. His green eyes were sharper than his tongue.

His crimson tail swished in annoyance. The scales caught the rays of light coming from the surface making them glisten and sparkle.

I swam to the smaller male and stopped beside him. My long blue-green tail shimmered at the movement.

"Let's go." I placed a finger to my chin. He made an irritated noise with a click of his teeth before taking the lead.

The swim back home was rather quiet. Normally Yurio would brag about his meal, but today he was oddly silent.

"Something bothering you?" I quipped not meeting his harsh green stare.

"No. Of course not." He muttered though I could sense his unease.

"Liarrrr." I sang.

He stopped then to glare at me. He folded his small arms over his bare chest and scowled. Frown lines tugged at the corners of his mouth and formed a deep crease between his brows.

"It's been a year since the accident." He spoke quietly.

Something close to sympathy flowed through me as I gazed at the smaller siren.

He blamed himself for what happened.


I had been too close to the shore. Too close to the humans. On a dare I swam to the docks without even considering the consequences.

The castle near the shore was illuminated with light.

Don't get caught.

It was a myth that a siren could take a humans form when on land. No one ever dared to try for fear of our kings wrath, but one punk said I wouldn't do it, and dammit I was going to prove him wrong.

I tucked myself against the wooden post of the dock making sure I was unseen.

Farther out near a large rock was the little bastard that dared me to try. I could almost see him snicker from here.

I won't lose to that shithead!

I swam closer to the waters edge when I heard the sound of someone approaching. I ducked beneath the surface. Only my eyes above the water.

A young girl came running toward the shoreline. Small sobs escaped her pink lips as she rushed down the wooden dock.

Her raven hair jostled behind her back. She came to a halt at the edge of the dock as she sank to the wooden planks. Her small hands clung to the post. Her tears dripped into the water creating little ripples.

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