Chapter 16

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It was a strange sensation. I could feel my tail part as the glittering scales faded into pale skin. Silent pictures flashed in my mind behind my eyes. They were all of Victor and me.

Victor and me.

Victor and me.

Make things right.

I gasped as memories came flooding back and quickly covered my mouth as it filled with water.

My chest tightened as I began to panic, unsure of what to do. Strong hands scooped beneath my shoulders bringing me toward the surface. I reached up hoping my hand would reach air soon.

Gasps surrounded me as I spat up water. I hugged the wood of the dock I had crawled on and panted.

"Thanks." I muttered between spitting out buckets of sea water.

"Does that make us even?" Otabek chuckled. I glanced over to give a snarky remark. Seeing him for the first time with human eyes I felt my cheeks burn in embarrassment.

Holy shit! He's naked!

I quickly averted my eyes and realised I too was in the nude.

What the fuck?!

I rolled onto my stomach hoping to hide the fact that I too was naked. I glanced to my other side to see Yuri, and Minami were also in their birthday suits.

We did not think this through.

"There is clothing you can take in the servants quarters to help you blend in." Yakov spoke from the water beneath the docks.

"What about you?" Yuri asked leaning over the edge of the dock trying his best to be modest.

"My job is to stay down here." A sad look crossed Yakov's wrinkled face as he sank lower into the depths.

"Let's go find those clothes. I'm cold and it is not flattering." I stated rising to wobbly knees. I gained my balance much to Yuri and Otabek's amusement.

"Yeah well it's been a long while since I had legs." I flipped them off and awkwardly waddled with the help of a rope railing, down the long dock toward a set of doors that had once belonged to a ship and were now an entrance into the masses.

I could still hear the two of them snickering as we made it to the doors unseen.

"This is it. Once we go in we may not be coming out." Otabek spoke softly.

"Yeah, but Victor is in there and we have to save him." Yuri spoke with determination.

More pictures of Victor and me flashed before my eyes causing me to stumble.

"Are you okay?" Otabek asked.

"Yeah. Yeah, fine." I mumbled. Otabek gave me a look of disbelief but didn't press me.

These fucking flashbacks weren't going to stop until I made things right with Victor.

What the hell does that even mean?

Frustrated, cold, and wet I led the way inside peering around every wooden corner to be sure no pirates lingered nearby.

"Let's try in there." Yuri pointed to a set of double doors. Otabek stepped forward before his cousin could and poked his head inside.

"There's spare clothes. Let's take them and go." He whispered and gestured to follow. Grunting I followed after them eager to cover myself.

"There are no weapons in here. Figures. At least we will be covered." Yuri held up a red tunic for Minami.

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