Chapter 21

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My head hurts...what happened?

Where am I?


Where's Yuri?

Blinking my eyes open I glanced around the dimly lit room. I was in living quarters of some kind tied down to a four poster bed with thick ropes that started to chafe my wrists.

The walls and floor were made of wood. There was a window across the room made with stained glass. There was a small oil chandelier above head that lit the space. Sconces lit the wall near a heavy wooden door.

There was a wardrobe near the back window, and an ornate carpet in the center of the room.

Window, door. Two possible escape routes.

I yanked my wrist only for the rope to tighten. Wincing I relaxed my wrist and tried wiggling it instead.

"Darn it. I can't- okay owwww, owwww." I ceased movement as the rope bit into my skin drawing blood.

Oh, no. What am I going to do? I have to find Yuri and the others!

I glared at the ropes debating on attempting to chew through them when the door handle jiggled.

My eyes snapped to the door. My heart began to race as panic set in. I quickly searched for a nearby weapon but didnt see one and of course I was still tied up. A weapon would be useless.

The door opened a man stepped inside. He was tall with dark hair and gray eyes. He was dressed in all black and towered over the bed.

I swallowed back fear as I met his steady icy gaze.

"You look just like her. Right down to your honey blond hair. She had beautiful smooth tanned skin much like yourself." His voice was clipped, distant.

Uhhh who?

"I suppose that makes sense. Your father is her son after all." He stared down at me. His eyes seemed almost glazed over. He must have been lost in a memory.

He physically shook his head before scowling down at me. I shrank back against the bed in fear.

"Do you know who I am?" He asked raising a dark brow?

I shook my head slowly.

"You will. Once I give you back your memories. You will remember everything from your human life, and who I am." His voice was low and steady.

"Who- you- are?" I stared at him incredulous.

I had no idea who he was, but everything about him screamed DANGER to me.

He leaned down close to me. I felt my heart rate pick up as he inched closer.

"It won't hurt. It will be weird but it won't hurt." His voice was low. I squeezed my eyes shut afraid of what he might do when I felt something warm faintly press against my lips.

The moment his lips touched mine a wave of vivid images flooded my mind. People, places and things I recognized. I winced as they overtook my mind in a rush.

I gasped as pain sliced through my skull. It was too much. My memories ceased as new cames came into play. Strong emotions burst through the unfamiliar memories.

What-what is this?

Physically cringing from the pain they caused I struggled against my restraints praying it would stop.

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