Chapter 11

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"Do you think Victor is okay?" He's been gone a while." I gnawed my lower lip anxiously. 

Minami was prodding his single  sharp tooth with the tip of his tongue making adorable faces.

"I'm sure he's fine. If there were pirates around we would already know about it." Minami shrugged.

"Why do you say that?" I asked curious.

"See the fish still swimming about as if nothing is wrong? The coral is still bright and alive. If danger was around it would be just us. No fish, no signs of life." He poked a round piece of coral with bright orange color. The hair-like fronds sunk back into the hard shell as he smiled over his shoulder.

"You know a lot about the ocean." I pointed out.

"My father was a deep sea diver. He wanted to explore and learn all he could about the sea. He even wore that horrible heavy hunk of metal suit just for the chance.

He used to take me everywhere with him and taught me a lot." Minami spread his arms wide as he smiled ruefully.

"Where is he now?" I asked timidly, afraid to hurt the poor kid.

"We were attacked by pirates. Not the ones that kidnapped me, but meaner, and much more dangerous. They took my father and used me as a threat to get him to do what they wanted."

"What did they want?"

"I don't know it's sort of fuzzy when I try to think about it, but my father refused to help them. They are the ones that turned me into a siren. I escaped, but I haven't seen my father since.

I was wandering around looking for help when I was kidnapped. I thought those horrible pirates had found me and would surely kill me or my father, but it wasn't them. Right after that you rescued me." Minami smiled flashing his single sharp tooth.

"I'm glad we did. We'll help you find your father don't you worry." I tousled his hair. He had succeeded in distracting me, but I was still worried about Victor. I looked to the sun above the surface.

I'm running out of time.

"Should we go look for him?" Minami suggested with a stretch of his arms.

I tilted my head toward the young siren.

"You seem worried. If we find him you won't worry anymore." He smiled brightly.

His innocence tugged at my heart.

He's been through so much and yet he still remains so pure. Maybe this means there is still hope.

Together we swam in the same direction where Victor had disappeared.

"Do you hear that?" Minami asked holding out his arm to keep me from moving forward.

"No. What?" I asked straining my ears.

"Nothing. Literally nothing." Minami's wide eyes scanned our surroundings.

"Minami, get behind me." I spoke tightly. My fangs elongated indenting my lower lip. A hiss escaped between my parted lips as a silhouette approached us.

"Hello fellow sirens." An eerie voice chortled.

"Who are you?" I asked warily holding my arm out before Minami.

"I am the one who began all of this. My name is Lilia. I am the giver of this curse." She swam closer and stopped about a foot away from us.

Her hair was brown and swept up using what seemed to be fish bones. Her eyes were a vibrant intimidating green. She was thin and her face angular. Her smile was terrifying.

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