Chapter 19

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"What do we do? What do we do? What do we do?" I gripped strands of my hair as I began to panic. My eyes darted back and forth searching for any solution to our predicament.

Feeling a hand on my shoulder I shot Victor a sideways glance. His bruised cheeks lifted in a rueful smile.

"It will be alright Love. With you here I have strength again." He spoke softly. His eyes watered at his proclamation. My hand moved on it's own accord between us. Searching.

Victor reached out and laced our fingers before bringing my hand to his lips and gently kissing it.

This is it. We're going to die.

"I-I love you Victor." I forced a smile through tears.

"I love you Yuri." He placed my hand against his cheek turning his face into my palm.

Clinging to each other we did all we could which was wait for the pirates approaching to come and end our lives.

I closed my eyes as they approached the cage.

"What the fuck?! Did you seriously get captured!? You useless codfish, I swear to the gods I will kill you myself." Yurio's high pitched shrieking rang in my ears.

"Yurio?!" Victor gasped shuffling toward the two pirates.

I realised the two pirates were actually Yurio and Otabek.

I have never been so glad to hear Yurio's insults!

"Where is Miniami?" Otabek asked as he studied the small cage holding the two of us trying to find a way to get us out without the key.

"Oh, well, we were sort of seperated." I spoke quietly, poking my finger tips together.

"Unbelievable!" Yurio growled throwing his hands in the air.

"Could you just get us out of here?" Victor asked gripping the bars.

"We need the key." Otabek scowled stepping back to examine the cage farther.

"I bet that Captain has the key." I sighed.

"Captain? You met Captain JJ?" Victor gaped beside me.

"Yes?" I answered confused by his reaction.

"He didn't hurt you did he?" Victor's eyes darkened as his face contorted into anger.

Captain JJ must have been the one who beat and interrogated him.

I was suddenly overwhelmed with emotion. I wanted to kill that bastard for hurting Victor, and I also wanted to weep for Victor's pain and also that I hadn't been there in time to save him.

Tears pooled in the corners of my eyes. I felt a hand slide along my shoulder.

"Don't worry about him. I will take care of him." Victor's voice lowered an octave. His words and tone sent shivers down my spine.

That isn't what's bothering me. I'm not afraid of him, well I am, but I'm afraid of the affect he had on you.

"Focus! How in the seven seas are we going to get you out of there before-" Yurio's annoyed words were cut off as the sound of the doors swinging open reverberated in the cavern.

My heart stilled as Yurio and Otabek spun around to face the several pirates that have now entered the cavern.

Captain JJ isn't among them. They may have a chance.

Both Otabek and Yurio drew their swords ready for a fight. They were quickly growing out numbered.

We're all gonna die.

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