Chapter 23

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"Sea foam? You think we can stop a goddess by turning her to sea foam?" I raised my brows dubious. Even Yuri stared blankly at Yakov. A questioning dark brow lingered near his hairline.

"Once she becomes one with the sea again just foam, and no longer have a vessel or body she will be defeated." Yakov nodded confidently.

"How would we turn her into foam anyway?" Yuri asked.

"Leave that to me." Yakov's eyes were sad. His expression was solemn.

"Oookay but that doesn't exactly help with the whole Captain JJ problem. He wants her dead too.  Plus he has Minami." Yuri pointed out.

"Leave Captain JJ to me." I balled my hands into fists.

That bastard has it coming, and I will be the one to deliver the final blow.

"Why do you two keep saying that?! What am I supposed to do? Watch you both risk your lives and do nothing?!" Yuri snapped clearly getting frustrated.

"No, you are going to find Yurio and Otabek. The three of you are going to find and protect Minami." Yakov shot me a meaningful look. I nodded in understanding.

Yuri isn't going to like this.

"Come with me Love." I held my hand out. Yuri blinked several times before hesitantly reaching out. The moment our skin touched I felt that spark, that sizzle, that electric current gliding over my skin.

We swam a little ways away from Yakov so I could speak to him privately.

"What's wrong?" He asked seeming to sense my dreary mood.

"I love you Yuri. You know that don't you?" I cupped his cheek. He nodded placing his hand over mine.

"When you find Minami I want you to take him and swim as far away from here as you can. Take Otabek and Yurio with you." I paused as his brown eyes widened piecing together what I was insinuating.

He swam out of my grasp and stared me down.

"No! I'm not leaving you Victor. He-he'll kill you. I won't let you sacrifice yourself. What if he kills you and lives? He's just going to hunt Minami down." He shook his head as tears collected in his wide eyes.
"It's a stupid plan. We can come up with something better." He sniffed.

"Even if he does-kill me; his life ends tonight." I vowed.

He will be the first to die and by my hand.

"Victor, please think this through. " Yuri pleaded.

I took his precious face in my hands and studied how the chocolate brown of his eyes shown bright. The softness of his skin. The way his long lashes cast shadows on his rosy cheeks. His supple pink lips that begged for a kiss.

Giving into their demand I dipped my head and kissed him softly. I felt him relax against me and smirked into the kiss.

Gods, I love this man. Perhaps in the next life we can meet again and be together?

Reluctantly I withdrew from the kiss and released my hold on him.

"This isn't goodbye. I won't let it be." He shook his head defiant.

"I love you Yuri. Thank you for giving my useless life meaning. Thank you for giving me meaning." I felt my lip begin to quiver and turned signaling to Yakov that I was ready.

He used his gift from the goddess to change me back into a mortal human. I knew now after the first attempt how long it took until the sirens curse returned.

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