Chapter 13

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Yakov as I came to learn was the original siren Lilia had cursed. He had fallen in love with her and even drowned to stay with her. She brought him back with her magic and made him a siren.

Of course that meant she cursed him to eternal damnation.

"So if she did all of this for you why doesn't she stay with you or turn you back?" I asked.

A dark look loomed over the older sirens face. His golden tail swished irritated below.

"A witch of the sea doesn't know how to love. No is incapable of love." He sighed. "Sirens don't feel love." He added straightening a little.

Minami looked up to me then biting down on his lip with his single fang.

I knew what he was thinking.

"That isn't true." I spoke up.

"What?" Yakov raised a silver brow.

"It's not true. Sirens can and do have emotions. They can feel guilt, sadness, happiness, and even love."

Before he could protest I proceeded.

"You're a prime example. You could have left these sirens to their own devices. Letting them live a long lonely existence but you brought them together and made them a family.

Minami is the happiest siren I know. He's always trying to look on the brighter side of things.

Yurio though rough around the edges still cares about his comrades." I noticed Yurio flinch beside Otabek before he turned away.

"As for love- you still have feelings for Lilia. It's plain to see. I came to love these sirens like my own family and I will do what I can to protect them. So don't say they don't care because we do." I spoke firmly.

Surprised by my sudden burst of courage Minami gripped my hand in support.

Yakov grunted in repsonse though a flicker of respect flashed in his eyes.

"So what exactly is our plan here?" Yurio chimed in.

"I don't think storming the front gate is a very good idea." Otabek agreed.

"Has anyone actually been to the ritual room?" I asked.

"I have." Yakov spoke up.

"Great, so you can lead Otabek and Yurio there so they can change their curse. Minami and I will search for Victor." I counted off on my fingers.

"No offense but you two don't exactly seem like the fighting type." Yakov narrowed his eyes at the two of us.

"Yeah, you two would get captured and then we'd be even more fucked." Yurio hissed.

"Language." Yakov sighed as if this was something he had to remind Yurio of on a daily basis.

"Well, I will fight if I have to, but I planned on just sneaking in and sneaking out." I shrugged.

"That's a very naive way of looking at this. You are dealing  with pirates. Not just the pirates I joined up with either. There are worse and much more dangerous pirates hiding in Shipwreck Cove." Otabek shook his head.

"That's right! You were one of them!" Minami spoke excitedly.

"Why're you so happy about that he and his friends almost killed you." Yurio snorted.

"I know but listen, they know his face. They also know he was thrown over board during an attack and lost at sea probably turned siren or just plain dead right?" Minami looked to all of us with his eyes shining.

"Your point?" Yurio furrowed his brows.

"Pirates are highly superstitious. We could use his face to our advantage. Maybe like a ghost come back to haunt them for their misdeeds." Minami grinned rubbing his palms together.

"That's a load of-" Yurio began.

"It's not a bad idea." Otabek spoke up.
"It's crude, but we can work with it. I know just who to haunt to get some answers." Otabek smirked.


AHHH it's so short! I'm sorry!
I have an inkling of where I want this to go but its stressin me out! hehe anyway the next one is sure to be longer promise!

Sorry! 😭😭😭


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