Chapter 17

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We followed Leo through the connected ships made to become hallways and seperate rooms. Otabek and I would duck our heads whenever we passed by another pirate less they figure out who we were, or worse what we were, and have us killed on the spot. Oblivious to our suspicious behavior, Leo chatted lightly about the ceremony or as he had called it the summoning.

"What is the summoning exactly? I thought we were just sacrificing a siren." Otabek spoke up. Leo nodded in understanding.

"Normally we would gut them save the good stuff and toss out the scraps to the sharks, but we had strict orders to keep this one alive." Leo shrugged nonchalant.

I was floored. How could he be so flippant talking about torturing and killing so many of my brethren? It was all I could do not to punch him across the face.

Sure he hadn't been boasting, and seemed indifferent, but he had seemed almost kind earlier.

He's a pirate. Don't let him fool you.

"What for?" Otabek asked glancing to me with pleading eyes to keep my cool.

Leo shrugged. "Captain won't tell us anything except that she wants him alive. She will be here tonight for the summoning."

"Didn't that other guy say we were summoning her?" I asked confused.

"Georgie has a tendency to mix information. She will be here to perform the ceremony when we sacrifice that siren to bring her to her full power. Once she is powerful enough she will make us all immortal. Can you imagine!?" Leo spoke excitedly.

Otabek and I exchanged worried glances. Leo droned on and on about how amazing it would be to live forever.

I rolled my eyes, grinding my teeth in annoyance, and resisted the urge to punch him in the face. His voice was starting to sound like a dolphin mating call as his voice pitched with more excitement.

Immortal pirates. What does Lilia have to gain from that?

"Have you seen her before?" I asked.

Leo paused outside of a set of double doors. He tilted his chin to the side.

"No, only Captain JJ has." He sounded a little surprised himself.

This was news to me. Yakov had mentioned the goddess despised humans. Now that the two of them were on the same side he turned his back on her for taking everything from him when he was human.

What was she up to? Why would she make a deal with a bunch of siren-blood thirsty pirates?

Otabek and I waited as Leo opened the double doors. My jaw fell slack as we stepped into what had once been an enormous cave. Now we stepped onto a wooden balcony that overlooked the dark depths below us. Winding up and down the stone walls of the cave were man made bridges, lightened with lanterns and sconces hung on metal hooks that had been carved into the stone.

Centered below the winding stairwell was no floor, but the ocean. I could smell the familiar saltiness of the water, and hear the slaps of the small waves against the stone walls.

This was where the summoning was to happen. Pirates would fill these balconies and cheer as one of my own was brutally sacrificed for their gain.

It pissed me off to no end.

Where is Victor? I thought he said we were guarding him?

I scanned the wide space to no avail. He must've been moved.

"So where's the sacrifice we're guarding?" Otabek asked leaning over the wooden railing to look into the dark depths below us.

"It must have been time for questioning. He usually hangs in a cage above us." Leo pointed up to where in fact a metal cage hung precariously over the water.

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