Chapter 4

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Following Victor and Yurio I felt apprehensive. Anxiousness twisted my stomach into knots.

What if they can't fix this? What will I do then?

I felt a reassuring hand squeeze my fingers. I looked up to see Victor smiling back at me.

"Everything will be fine." He grinned causing my heart to flutter.

Tearing my eyes away from him I looked around me to see how colorful everything was beneath the sea. There were colors of coral and fish I couldn't even put a name to.

It's beautiful.

My gaze trailed back to Victor.

He's beautiful.

His blue orbs met mine with a glint of mischief in them. Blushing, I quickly looked away. Feeling embarrassed for being caught red handed staring at him again. I withdrew from his firm grip feeling foolish.

Before I could swim away, Victor's fingers closed around mine once again in comfort. I met his eye steadily.

"I like to hold your hand. Is that okay?" He asked as his long silver hair flowed around him like an ethereal glow.

I nodded moronically as he gently tugged me closer to him.

We swam a little further, but came to a halt and ducked behind a large reef all of a sudden.

"How are we going to get to Pichit without father seeing us?" Yurio quipped.

"We aren't. You are." Victor smirked before shoving the younger siren out of our hiding spot.

Yurio made a very human gesture and swam away leaving a bubbling trail behind him.

"How does he know that?" I asked.

"Yurio and I like to explore a lot. We spent a lot of time near fishing docks. He picked up a few of the humans habits." Victor shrugged.

"How many sirens are there?" I asked.

Victor's face fell for a moment.

"There used to be a lot more of us, but between humans hunting us for proof of our existence, and Pirates harvesting us for our tears, we are few in number." Victor spoke softly.

"That's awful," I paused biting down on my lip before gaining enough courage to ask the question that had been lingering on my mind, "Why do they harvest you for your tears?" I asked.

"Siren's tears contain our magic. Siren's usually don't show emotions. It's sort of bred into us. Anyway pirates can sell our tears, or use them for healing properties, or use them to keep them young and immortal." Victor listed them off on his long graceful fingers.

"Wait, hold on," I waved my hands, "is that how you healed me? D-did you cry for me?" I asked.

Victor's cheeks tinted pink.

"It hurt my heart to see you like that." He stared at the sand below us as he spoke. His blue eyes were filled with emotion.

"I thought sirens didn't have emotions." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"We don't show them. If we do, it could get us killed." Victor met my gaze then. I brought up one corner of my mouth as I took his hand in mine.

"You risked a lot for me didn't you? Why would you do that? I'm a human. I'm a nobody." I felt tears prick the corners of my eyes.

Seeing this Victor cupped my cheeks in his hands.

"Because you were worth the risk to me. I couldn't do nothing and watch you drown." His voice softened as his thumb pressed against my lower lip intimately.

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