Chapter 18

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We followed Georgie toward the mess hall. I tried to remember every turn, but after the twelfth I disappointingly lost track. Minami was beside me excitedly gasping at every new thing he saw. He ate up Georgie's dramatics like candy. It was kind of cute.

On our way to the mess hall Georgie came to a sudden stop. I peered around him and felt my eyes widen in complete shock.


He was in human form, naked, beaten and being taken away.

"Hey that-" Minami began but I clamped my hand over his mouth and shot him a warning look.

"That guy, what did he do?" I asked as Georgie studied us suspiciously. He glanced over his shoulder to where they were taking Victor.

"That is our sacrifice." He stated.

"But he's human." I responded in actual confusion.

"Yeah it's easier to torture someone when they don't flop around like a fish." He rolled his eyes and began heading back toward the mess hall.

I can't lose sight of Victor.

I glared at the back of Georgie's head debating.

Fuck it.

Gaining some of Yurio's courage and attitude I spotted a sturdy looking piece of wood and grabbed it. I quickly assessed our surroundings before whacking Georgie across the back of the head. He slumped to the ground making a loud thump.

"Oh my gods you killed him!" Minami gasped.

"He's just unconscious. He will have a bad headache later, but he will live. We don't have time for him. We need to follow Victor." I breathed in a single rush.

"You're right we can't lose Victor. You follow him. I'll take care of this. We don't want anyone to be suspicious of us." Minami flashed his signature snaggle tooth dimpled grin.

Nodding to him and wishing him luck I took off in the direction I had seen Victor disappear. I came across two halls. One to the left and one to the right.

"Dammit." I cursed as my head swiveled back and forth. I closed my eyes a moment and listened to my gut instinct. I started for the right and broke into a run as a shout sounded farther down the hall. It opened up to a bridge that led across toward more ships.

From where I stood I spotted Victor's silver hair rounding a corner. Before I could run or call out to him my path was suddenly blocked.

"Hmm, I don't recognize you. What crew are you with?" A tall frightening pirate glared at me from beneath a wide brimmed black hat that had an ostrich feather sticking out of the top. His gray eyes were piercing and suspicious.

"I-I just work in the scullery." I stammered casting my gaze away from his harsh stare.

"You're a long way from the kitchens." He narrowed his eyes.

"It was my fault. I was wandering around and I got lost." It wasn't a complete lie. I was wandering and I was definitely lost.

The pirate stared me down. His face unreadable.

"Where were you really headed?" He asked with a tone to his cold voice that caused the hairs on the back of my neck to stand on end. In that moment I felt afraid. This man could and would kill me if I answered wrong.

"I wanted to see the sacrifice. I had heard rumors, but never saw it." I chose my words carefully hoping he didn't see through me.

The pirate raised a brow before a grin spread across his face. I didn't trust that look for a second, but I didn't want to blow my cover.

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