Chapter 3

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My body feels heavy. There's a weight sitting in my chest. It hurts. It burns.

I thought you felt weightless when you died?

Wait, did I die? Am I dead? I must be. I can hear the voice of an angel.

Through the dark gray fog that had become my mind I could just make out the angels face.

He's beautiful.

Stunning blue orbs stared back at me. I felt cool hands touch my cheek breaking through the haze around me.

That was- he's real?!

My eyes flew open as I coughed up buckets of water.

"Is that better?" The angelic voice asked. The god-like face belonging to the musical voice looked down at me in concern.

His brows were brought together creating a crease between them. His quizzical vibrant blue eyes stared straight through me.

"Y-you're real." I managed to croak.

My throat burned with every syllable. It was as though I had attempted to eat gravel.

"Shh, don't talk. That mustn't feel very good." He shook his head.

Trying to sit up, I was aided as his pale hand reached out and slowly brought me into a sitting position.

Blinking through blurred vision I realised I had lost my spectacles.

It's going to cost me a fortune to get another pair.

Sighing I ran a cold, clammy, shaking hand through my wet tresses. Beads of water dripped down my forehead at the motion.

"Here, you dropped these." He held something out beneath my nose. With shaking hands I reached out and took the offered object.

My fingers brushed against his cool skin. Blushing furiously, and warming considerably, I grabbed the metal frames in his hand and placed them on my nose.

His face now clearer was even more beautiful than I remembered.

"Wow." I breathed.

His brow quirked up as a grin spread across his thin lips. Movement behind him caught my eyes.

I glanced behind him to see the glisten of a glimmering tail.



He has a tail?!

I felt my eyes round and nearly bug out of my skull as I realised the man before me wasn't a man at all.

He's a-

"I'm a siren." As if hearing my thoughts he finished it for me.

"Uhhhh-" My brain had stopped working as I tried to come up with a logical explanation for this.

My eyes trailed from the top of his silver head down his long tresses and to the tip of his extravagant tail.

A frown tugged at his thin but becoming lips.

"I don't know how this happened, but-" His heavy accent drifted off as his blue eyes trailed down.

Following his line of sight a gasp escaped me. Beneath my nightshirt a glittering ebony tail poked out from the bottom in place of where my legs would be.

Small waves reached us along the shore. Wetting what he had been insinuating.

This isn't happening. This isn't happening.

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