Chapter 22

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"Yurio. We have to go." Otabek grabbed my arm. I was still leaning over the drop where Victor and Yuri had plummeted into the ocean. I had hoped they would be okay. We had defeated the first wave of pirates, but more would be coming.

Unable to dwell on it for too long Otabek and I rushed to the siding and hurried up the wooden stairs to the next level up. I could hear pirates hot on our heels.

Damn I didn't think it would be that fast.

"What are we going to do?" I asked breathless as we ran.

"Look. On the next landing above. There's a door in the wall. That's our only chance." Otabek gestured ahead.

"Any other options in case it's locked?" I quipped.

"We can fight our way through waves of pirates and risk being killed or captured, or jump to our deaths." Otabek pointed out.

"Door it is." I ran faster hearing the pirates gaining on us.

The gods were smiling down on us as Otabek slammed his shoulder against the door causing it to fly open. The wood hung off of the frame by its hinges.

He grabbed my hand and helped me past tearing my tunic in the process. Together we ran down a long hall with windows in one side and a solid wall of rock in the other.

I prayed that the gods had more tricks up their sleeves to get us out of here alive.
As we ran down several winding corridors pain sliced through my skull.

"Gahhh!" I gasped stopping dead in my tracks clutching my head. I staggered a step and stumbled to my knees.

What-what's happening?

My mind was going blank. Visions of my human life began to fade.

Oh no. I'm turning siren again. Yakov's spell is wearing off.

"Yurio? Yurio, stay with me! Come on we can't stay here." Otsbek grunted and hoisted me into his arms.

I winced as more pain tore through my body. Burying my face in Otabek's chest I bit down on the fabric of his shirt to keep from screaming.

I could feel him moving. He had resumed running and was frantically searching for a safe place for us to hide. I could hear the sound of a door being kicked down and then silence.

I peeked through half lidded eyes to see he had hidden in a barrack. There were two twin beds set up on opposite walls. A desk separated them. A fee books and papers littered the top of the wood. There was a lit sconce hanging on the wall allowing us to see.

Otabek locked the door and lowered me onto a bed.

"We can't stay long. They will find us in here and we'd be done for. Do you t hi ink you could go on? I could go alone to search for Minami and draw them away." Otabek suggested.

"If I'm starting to change back then you will be too. We need to find the runt before it's too late." I shook my head forcing myself to sit up. I grunted and winced as pain rolled through my abdomen.

"You can barely move. Lie down. I will return for you. Keep this to be safe. I won't be long." Otabek placed a sword beside me on the bed.

I felt dread loom over me. I knew that as soon as we separated I would never see him again. The thought terrified me.

"Dont go, please. Don't leave me." My voice was barely audible even to me.

Otabek's obsidian eyes stared back at me. He sat at the edge of the bed and held my hand in his lacing our fingers.

"I won't ever leave you." His voice was deeper than the ocean and just as soothing.

I felt warmth radiate from my fingertips and shoot up my arm warming my entire body. My cheeks burned as he leaned down toward me. His face inching closer to mine. My heart thrummed against my ribs in anticipation.

His eyes closed and mine quickly fluttered after.
Though I couldn't see him, I was hyper aware of him so close. I could smell his musky scent that was all man with a hint of something tropical. I could feel his warm breath against my burning cheeks. His warmth radiated from him like a beacon calling out to me.

With my eyes still closed I drew a shaky breath.
"Won't this turn us back into sirens?" I asked in a soft whisper.

"I don't care." He murmured a moment before I felt something soft pressing against my lips. If I hadn't been sitting up in bed I would have fallen over by the sheer force behind his kiss. I felt his jaw flex as he moved his lips opening my mouth to him. His tongue swept into my mouth sending chills down my spine and straight to my toes.

My head was still spinning even after Otabek had drawn back from the knee jerking kiss.

"W-what was that for?" I stammered.

Otabek had a whisper of a smile spread across his handsome face.

"How do you feel?" He asked.

"What? The hell is that supposed to mean?" I quipped.

"I was hoping that would help you to relax." Otabek frowned. I felt a twinge of guilt at how I had reacted.

To be fair that did everything but help me relax!

"We have to keep moving." I sighed casting my eyes to the floorboards.
"If we stay here too long they will kill us. We have to get out of here. We have to challenge them on our terms not theirs. We need the advantage." I rubbed a clammy hand over my face.

"We still have to find Minami." Otabek pointed out.

"You're right. I have a pretty good idea of where he may be." I scratched my chin in thought.
"If that Captain is no dumbass which I don't think he is; he's gonna want to keep his prize close to him. I bet the twerp is somewhere in his chambers. We just have to find his quarters." I met Otabek's gaze.

"If we find the captain we find Minami." Otabek concluded.

"Yeah, but that means, we probably won't make it in or out alive." I nodded.


Sorry this one is so short, but it's just a small filler chapter to save up before the big show down coming soon.

How bout that kiss though!?😍

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