Chapter 15

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As Yurio and Yakov rejoined us I noticed Otabek watching him closely. Smirking I swam behind him to whisper in his ear.

"Now I get it." I whispered. If Otabek could jump he would have. He seemed to have sprung almost a foot as he gasped.

"Get what?" He snapped.

"You like him." I grinned happily and not at all in a teasing manner.

"No I don't. I'm grateful to him for saving my life that is all." Otabek muttered. His tanned cheeks dusted with pink.

"Why don't you tell him?" I asked curious. Otabek sighed knowing his cousin wasn't going to let this go.

"What's the point? He's going to change me human again soon and I will never see him again." Otabek frowned.

"You make it sound like that's something you don't want." I cocked my head to the side watching him with curiosity. Otabek's obsidian eyes met mine and my gaze softened.

"I get it." I murmured as thoughts of Victor crossed my mind. I was worried about him, but I knew he was resourceful and would be okay.

Just please don't let me be wrong.

"Are you all ready?" Yakov asked. There were glances amongst our small group before nods spread around the small circle.

"We're ready." I nodded.


I could make out the sound of voices. My head throbbed as sticky liquid rolled down my temple and onto my cheek. My vision was blurred as I blinked my eyes open. They parted only to be forced to stop. My right eye was nearly swollen shut. My left eye had red spots clotting across my line of sight making it hard to see clearly.

"He's still not talking." One deep voice grunted.

"Hit 'em again!" Another cheered.

"She's gonna be pissed." Another muttered.

"Alright! Let him wake up first you useless little shits." One commanding voice spoke up silencing the others.

I blinked in attempt to clear my vision. Before me stood a small group of pirates. I didn't recognize any of them until one stepped forward directly into my line of sight.

He smirked as he squatted before me. He dragged a finger down my cheek and held up his hand for me to see the blood covering his fingertip.

"I can do a lot worse if you don't tell us where they are hiding." He grinned.

I took a moment to try to collect myself and make sense of what he was saying. After a moment I realised he had asked me where the other sirens were hiding. Where our coven was located.

All while smiling he drew back his hand and slapped me hard across the cheek. Blood splattered on the wood floor as some dribbled down my chin. My lip had split from the sheer force of the hit.


I mentally swore as I slumped forward. My restraints around my wrists were bolted into the wall behind me and prevented me from falling to the floor.

"I'm not gonna ask nicely again." His voice took in a darker tone.

When I didn't answer he reached out grabbing me by my hair. A small whimper of pain escaped me, but I sealed my lips tight. He drew me up to glare into my eyes. I stared back.

"You better answer." He challenged me. I remained silent. I glared at him daring him to do his worst.

Growing agitated with my silence the pirate drew his fist back and suddenly I was in a lot of pain. Bresth escaped my lungs in a forced whoosh, as I tried to double over.

He punched me in the stomach again creating more purple bruising. After the fourth or fifth punch I forced myself not to vomit. I was feeling disoriented.

"Gonna try telling me now?" He spoke breathless.

I grunted in pain but remained motionless.
He growled throwing another punch to my gut.
The pirate wasn't finished. He still gripped my hair in his fist and punched me straight across the jaw. Blood stained the floor as it dripped down my chin.

"Had enough yet? Huh?!" He shouted trying to get a rise out of me, but I was in too much pain nor would I ever betray my family that way.

Unsatisfied that I didn't break he lost his temper and punched me square in the face. An audible crack sounded as pain shot through my nose and spread behind my eyes and across my cheeks.

My nose is broken-

I gasped as blood spewed from it being bruised, swollen, and broken. I spat blood onto the ground tasting the copper in my mouth. I could feel the thick liquid staining my teeth.

"Damn JJ." One man mumbled.

The smile on the pirates face faded as he slowly turned to look over his shoulder at the poor pirate that dared speak.

"Who?" He asked as he rose to his feet. His hand hovered over the hilt of his sword as he took two confident steps toward the nameless pirate.

"C-Captain! Captain J!" The pirate gasped realizing his fatal mistake.

In one single movement Captain J drew his sword and plunged it into the others heart. A strangled cry and gurgling sound was the only noise in the room before it suddenly stopped and a thump of his body falling to the floor ended the horrific sounds.

I stared as wide as my eyes could go as JJ drew his sword out of the mans chest and slid it back into it's sheath. He stood over the body and gave a short laugh.

"I didn't steal, gamble and kill to be called JJ anymore." He turned and glared at the other two pirates staring back with their jaws slack. Their eyes darted between them unsure of what to do.

"R-right, Captain." One saluted him while the other wisely held his tongue and nodded profusely.

"She will return tonight, and she will be expecting answers. I suggest you get some." Captain JJ spared me a glance before gesturing with his chin. The others caught onto what he was insinuating before he strode out of the room. After the door closed with a loud click the other two pirates turned on me.

"He wants answers, we will get him answers." They smirked as they closed in.

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