Chapter 7

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Panicked my eyes scanned my surroundings but even with this better vision I couldn't see anything.  I could just make out the outline of sunken ships ahead on the ocean floor.

Well what is left of them.

The underwater ecosystem seems to have overtaken them making them just another part of the ocean.

I glanced above my head as a shadow fell over me.

What is that?

A shudder of terror shivered down my spine as the dark mass hovered over us. I realised we were swimming beneath a ship.

There's more than one ship.

More dark masses followed close behind the first flanking the first ship.

"Do you think they know we are here?" I asked swallowing the fear rising in my throat.

"They will." Yurio muttered.

Before I could ask what he meant by that Victor grabbed my hand. His long fingers clasped mine tightly. I noticed his eyes gave me a side glance before his gaze drifted above.

Following his gaze I looked up to see an anchor plunge into the water. Victor yanked on my hand as we rushed out of the way.

I followed the trail of bubbles that rose with the anchors descent into the depths below. The other ships followed suit.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"They come here when they've collected a siren and are going to harvest it. It's why we call it the sirens graveyard." Yurio spat as he glared at the ships above.

"They have a siren?" I gasped.

"Not for long." Victor's voice was so cold it made my blood freeze.

"Shouldn't we help them?" I asked starting to swim up. Victor's grip around my wrist tightened.

"It's too late for them. They are already dead by now." Victor shook his head.

"There must be something we can do." I gazed up at the ships above. A white light shown down through the water between the ships illuminating the three of us.

My first night as a siren.

As the moonlight shown down on me I felt my incisors inch their way to my lower lip. I felt the sharp prick of the tip against my skin.

Though I could breathe underwater my chest felt tight. Like I wasn't getting enough oxygen.

I need-

I gasped. My hand flew to my throat as a burning sensation took over. I had an unquenchable thirst.

I need blood.

My senses seemed heightened as I slipped farther into my siren state. I could hear the humans walking on the creaky boards of the ships above. Their cackles and banter could be heard clear as crystal.

I could make out the spores floating through the moonlit water around me that went unnoticed by the ordinary naked eye.

Is this what Victor meant when he called himself a monster?

"Yuri?" Victor gently shook my shoulders. His blue orbs glistened with worry in the moonlight.

"They are talking." I stated as if he hadn't just spoken to me. My head tilted to the side to hear better.

I could make out their voices. A cry, a plea to spare a life.

The siren.

"They're alive. We have to help them!" I broke out of my trance and yanked free of Victor's grasp.

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