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I could barely open the door without Nagito's lips on mine. He practically rushed me out of the dining hall, desperate to have personal attention. Seeing that no one was occupying my dorm corridor, Nagito nipped at my lips and neck. Without pulling away, I tried to unlock my door, until a harsh force made Nagito's teeth slice into my lip. Our heads knocked together, and I could taste the tang of blood filling my mouth. "Hey, mind watching where you walk?" Nagito directed his irritation over his shoulder.

"I wouldn't have intervened had you acted civilly and kept indecent behavior out of public view," Togami focused his disgusted glare on me.

"I never expected the Ultimate Affluent Progeny to pick such a trivial feud with someone like me," Nagito sighed, stepping in front of me and blocking Togami's view. "And try not to let me catch you glaring at her again". The two stared at each other for a few more seconds before Togami finally continued to walk away, the click of his dress shoes echoing in the distance. Turning back to me, Nagito examined the cut left by his teeth, "Are you okay? Maybe Tsumiki should take a look. I don't mean to bring you such misfortune," Nagito cupped his hands around my cheeks.

"I'm fine, really," I wrapped my hands around his, but the plead in his eyes didn't leave. "Thank you for standing up for me, though," I smiled.

"What was his issue? Is that why you wanted to talk to Enoshima?"

If there was one similarity between Komaeda and Enoshima, which were few, it was their ability to see past any façade. It was difficult to hide anything from Nagito; "Our parents are friends, more or less. My father designs Mr. Togami's suits, so I've had to attend several of his family's gatherings". Nagito nodded slowly, staring off with a sad expression. "Don't worry about him. We're acquaintances on a business level," I tried to be reassuring, but I could tell that Nagito couldn't shake his insecurity. Eventually, he snapped back from the abyss of his thoughts and pretended the past five minutes never happened, pulling me into my now unlocked room.

In a few weeks, Hope's Peak grew to become my second home. I ate meals with my boyfriend, became close friends with most of my classmates, and designed clothing in my free time. It wasn't as if drama didn't exist amongst us, but most of it snuck in from the outside. I quickly realized the challenge in attending Hope's Peak; the constant paparazzi, endless questioning and gawking from strangers, and the threatening glares from the Reserve Course students. But some of the challenges were found in dorm life; "Does she always follow Togami around?" I watched Fukawa keep her eyes glued to "Master" as she called him from my desk. The thought of anyone calling him "Master" was cringe-worthy; he wasn't the "Master" of anything. Well, "Master" of arrogance, possibly.

Kyoko glanced up from her book, "Since our first day, most likely," she shrugged. The detective shut the novel, setting it aside for later. "Speaking of Togami, how long have you known him?"

Thinking about it, I honestly didn't know; I had never stopped to think about it. "I've never known my parents to not know the Togami's. Why do you ask?"

Kyoko leaned back in her chair, "When you made your dramatic exit with Enoshima, I had a hunch that something was off".

I smirked, "So you were concerned". Kyoko made expressing her emotions more complicated than necessary. She tried to cover her flustered face behind the pages of her book.

I rushed around the library, hoping to find books on costume design before I was officially late to meet with Sayaka. Maybe I should've been clearer that I'm not familiar with costume design, but it was too late to back out now. "Libraries are meant to be quiet, not for you to stomp through," A familiar voice hissed behind me.

"Pardon me, but I'm in a hurry," I said, continuing to add to the pile of books.

"Inconsiderate, as always," he mocked.

I turned on my heel, approaching the stubborn heir, "Maybe if you stayed out of my business, I wouldn't have to be 'inconsiderate'," I mocked his superiority complex, praying that the librarian would hurry back from her office.

"Maybe if you kept your disgraceful behavior in the bedroom, I wouldn't feel obligated to point out your impaired taste," Togami's eyes never left the pages of the book in his hands.

'Impaired taste?' I bit my tongue and snickered, "Only an envious imbecile would lash out due to his own short-comings". The librarian finally returned and scanned my books. The conversation was declared finished as I triumphantly left Togami with white knuckles around his book.

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